Thanks guys! He's really become quite the character this past week. His color is great, too. It seems this fish just can't get enough to eat
CC I wanted to call him "Moo" for maybe a milisecond, but it seems "The cowfish" has stuck. My fish have titles, not names The Midas, The Red Devil, The Kribs (aka Mama Krib, Papa Krib, Lil Mama, krib kids etc) and now The Cowfish.
Well, it's been a year, just a few days shy of it anyway. This guy has grown a LOT in that time, you can tell that he's much rounder I laugh everytime I see that old pic in my avatar because he's soo much darker around the mouth now. The old pic makes him look like a shaven Homer Simpson
it's the start up cost that's a killer. Live rock, water and pumps etc = cha-ching! And buying water for wc's stinks. But otherwise they're pretty cheap to feed. Cheaper than my fw fish anyway.
Thanks! His horns look a little shorter compared but I think that's because they're always pressed to the front of the glass (or it's just the angle). I just bought new lights yesterday and they're pretty bright, I don't think he's too pleased.