Bearded Dragon help.....

Disclaimer or not, I can show you several sites where experts say NO WALNUT SHELLS!! I'll try to post some for you. Apparently walnut shells are bad for almost kind of lizard. You know darn well that they still sell hotrocks and those can cause HORRIBLE burns!!! But you won't see that aspect of them anywhere on the product, will you?
Here's a few:
Morion(click on "substrates")
Melissa Kaplan (Bottom of "Housing")
Beardeddragon(Bold text at the bottom of "substrates")
Reptile-supplies(hit "exotic Lizards" then "Bearded Dragons" then "Bearded Dragon Care Sheet")
tncbeardies(Go down to "substrate"
Borderview Dragons(it's under "BAD substrates")

These are just a few; it didn't take me long to find them--there aren't many beardie caresheets that don't say "NO walnut shells!" There are also a lot of other caresheets for just about every other type of lizard that also say the same thing.
tom says thanks for the links.....

the 33 gal isn't small floor wise. it's got lots of floor room. it's an odd shape, like a custom made, and if very long.

i seen a 33gal today at petsmart, and it did look small for 2 i can see why someone would freak out about it. but rest assured it does have lots of floor's short and long.

we're pretty sure it's custom made, cuz we never did find a lid that fits it right.

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