Beanie boxes arrived!


Hypan addict
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
Wolverhampton, UK
Well I can recommend the supplier Bettaman suggested as my order arrived in 2 days and in mint condition. It cost me £44.20 for 20 boxes from I Want I Want and was delivered by City Link.

I've jarred 5 juvies so far with another 5 to be jarred shortly as they are males but as yet aren't nipping. They seem happy in their new homes and aren't missing their siblings as they are sighted next to eachother in a heated 5 gallon tank.

Oh, and Dijon my male plakat who jumped out of the tank is doing fine. He's lost all the dog hair and is acting the same as he was before which is laying around on his side most of the time. I guess he's a bellyslider :/ but he eats and swims every now and then so I guess he's content as he does blow bubblenests :D
I'm thinking about betta breeding in the future. Once I have had a lot of bettas, I might start looking around for buyers. I was randomly surveying my bedroom earlier, I could easily fit 20 beanie boxes in. The only problem would be the 40 g growout tank.
Told you they were quick in delivery,glad you got them ok and better than paying £79.00 for them off ebay thats if the guy had 20@£3.95 each plus p&p bet you beanies are pleased....... :rofl:
Excellent Joby,let the festivities begin :fish:

(I think that's the first time I've ever used the fish smilie :hyper: )
OohFeeshy don't forget you'll need to heat the beanie boxes and they are too small for heaters. I have put mine in a 5 gallon tank filled with water and a heater. It takes lots of dedication to breed only I found out the hard way and without preparation :/ but I've kind of gotten used to the water changes and the frequent feeding. The hardest part starts now as they need to be separated till they are big enough to sell. I'm lucky that I've got a large lounge and I have 4 of my biggest tanks in there. I only had 22 fry make it so my 30 gallon tank was good.

Haven't shown my beanies yet Bettaman as I might need them all if they are all males. I can only tell 1 female so far :crazy: and most of the others seem more like males

Festivities indeed Wuv :lol: good job I'm not on a water meter! ooh and I like the fishy smilie :fish:

Mandi I think SRC posted a link for cheap beanie boxes in the US, do a search on here and it should show up

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