Beach Sand

Beach sand you collect from a beach or beach sand thats sold in stores for sand boxes?
I would say that you probably could -if- you were sure that the sand was clean. I personally would not use it, though. I would not trust that it was clean enough. Hard telling what you may be introducing to your tank.....biological, chemical contamination alone is enough to scare me away.
you can buy sand for tropical tanks, wouldnt that be easier then going to the beach and taking that sand. and it would be safer
I think you can but you would ahve to rinse it forever. It would save a ton of hassle in the long run to use sand from a shop. THat way you can be sure that it doesn't ahve contaminants.
Beach sand may change your water paramaters, making the water hard and alkaline...i'm not exactly sure though
I'm sure if you boil it, it would get rid of any contaminants, but it wouldn't stop it affecting your water parameters if it was going to anyway.
If you want sand, but the lfs sand is $$$, try play sand for sandboxes or pool filter sand available at pool supply shops or DIY stores.
Sand off the beach is a big no-no. Not only is it actually illegal (if not enforced normally, taking that much sand will almost certainly be noticed) it's also got any number of things in it. Think about a typical beach. It has trash in it from careless people, bird, dog and cat crap, all kinds of animals both dead and alive in it and who knows what kind of chemical contamination.
parker313 said:
If you want sand, but the lfs sand is $$$, try play sand for sandboxes or pool filter sand available at pool supply shops or DIY stores.
Yes, and it's super cheap. I bought a 50 lb. bag for just under 3 dollars US. It works great!

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