Bbc Looking For Electric Eel To Film

Elva Anna

New Member
Nov 17, 2006
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I'm a researcher for a BBC Childrens factual show and we are filming an item on Electric Eels at BBC Elstree in Mid December / Early January.

If anyone has an electric eel or knows where I might find one in UK to come to Elstree (Herts) for the day, I'd really appreciate it.

I've looked on Tropical Fish Finder sites and spoken to various zoos and aquariums with not much success.

Please contact me if you have any info that might lead me to a willing eel and owner!

Anna (0208 225 9009)
I have one, its not particularly large at the moment, just a 13" baby but its still an electric eel.

How would bringing it to Elstree studios work and would this be a weekday or weekend?

I would need a pre set up and already warmed tank at the studio which is at least 36x12x12" as there is no way i could transport the fish, tank and water without a van and obviously the fish cannot be placed into cold water straight from the tap. It would also have to be a weekend as we both work full time and would not be able to take time off this side of Christmas.

Let me know if thats of any use to you.
I have one, its not particularly large at the moment, just a 13" baby but its still an electric eel.

How would bringing it to Elstree studios work and would this be a weekday or weekend?

I would need a pre set up and already warmed tank at the studio which is at least 36x12x12" as there is no way i could transport the fish, tank and water without a van and obviously the fish cannot be placed into cold water straight from the tap. It would also have to be a weekend as we both work full time and would not be able to take time off this side of Christmas.

Let me know if thats of any use to you.

Thanks - it may be possible, but filming is likely to be on a weekday. I'll let you know though.
can I play devils advocate here for a moment.

why can the BBC not film the fish in question in situe?
surely it would be far better for the fish if the BBC
could film 'on location', rather than stressing out the fish by capturing it,
bagging it, transporting it, filming it, then after a few
hours repeting the process to get it home.
That would be the best option by far for me and the fish, but as i have found with previous programs asking for fish to be used in filming on location shoots are not budgeted for in the costs.

Depending on what the actual program is about i could be able to help further too as we have quite a collection of dangerous/exotic animals including freshwater stingrays, an electric catfish, a giant centipede and several tarantula species as well as the electric eel.
I think the reason it would be "on set" would be because it's a BBC brodcasting CHILDREN show, and CFC has too many dangerous beasts in his house for a kid audience :lol: .
wow your collection is amazing it must have costed an arm and a leg, mine isn't nearly as big but then again its not realy a collection, and it costed me more than i could afford :lol:
I'd be really interested in chatting to you further! My phone number is 0208 225 9009
Thanks, Anna

That would be the best option by far for me and the fish, but as i have found with previous programs asking for fish to be used in filming on location shoots are not budgeted for in the costs.

Depending on what the actual program is about i could be able to help further too as we have quite a collection of dangerous/exotic animals including freshwater stingrays, an electric catfish, a giant centipede and several tarantula species as well as the electric eel.

I'd really like to speak to you about this! Give me a call if you have time on 0208 225 9009

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