Bba's Rio 350L Marine Tank

I'm sure some will agree with me when i say... you can never have too much CUC

You can ABSOLUTELY have too much CUC, particularly in a new tank lacking in algal growth. When you do have too many, you get the much-complained-about scenarios of CUC animals eating other CUC animals and/or randomly turning up dead. Snails getting weak and dying after a couple weeks and hermits going on sudden snail-killing sprees despite ample spare shells are very frequently down to overstocked CUCs. I suppose it's possible that the statement above was meant in a light-hearted way and I missed the joke (internets being serious business and all), but the problem is that many people I've run into who really do think that some degree of initial CUC attrition is unavoidable, because they have never seen a system that didn't overstock its initial CUC.

I believe the next step will be a CUC, thinking of 4 Skunk shrimp, 10 Turbo snail and 10 Narcissus snails what that be enough for 350L?

The rocks look really barren from the pics in the thread so far, which means Turbos could easily starve if not target fed. Those snails eat a LOT. Nassarius (I assume that's what you mean) will be better off, because you already have fish in there that you will be feeding and they are carnivorous scavengers, but if you want to be safe I would still recommend undershooting what you think you will eventually need if you don't want to have a Nass get desperate and start thinking about the other snails as food. Nassarius species can be predatory towards other snails if pushed to it, it's just incredibly uncommon for them to do so when they have ample scavenging opportunities. You may only need something like 2 Turbos right now (if you have any algae you would see them eating? If not, wait on grazers until you see some) and more in a few months. Worst case, you will get a little algae growth and have to stock more sooner. It's always better to just stock on an as-needed basis, since every system is different as far as what it will support and what is supported changes slowly over time.
Current stock

2 skunk cleaners
2 clown fish
6 Nassarius sails

and a bottle of stability :p

these will be left alone until next month when 2 fire fish have a calling :good:
ok MCE 600 skimmer arrived and was modified to fit my juwel tank, little scary when you get unpack £300 worth of skimmer lol

Great looking setup Al.
Yeah where does the money go. This month a skimmer.
Looks really good. Did you use a different camera? The colors are much better.

Hey awesome pic! Loving what I see!


PS: might add a few more snails if you can :nod:
Thanks all the shots were taken both my iPhone, I took a risk and seeded the tank with some live sand from a few local reefers and it looks like it paid off with life all over the place. I didt want to many snails as the crabs get a bit exited so I added 3 turbo snails just to trim down. Currently culturing copepods by the bucket load adding them to a
Small pile of rock in thank ready for my mandarin
well done with this one BBA, looks really good.
Thanks current stock
1 yellow tang
2 emp cardinals
3 atheria
1 fire fish
1 lawn mower blenny
1 royal gramma

Going to wait another 2 months for the mandarin and call it fully stocked.

8 red hermit crabs
3 true turbo snails
5 nasasris snails (spelling)

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