Always room for one more tank...
Anyone been playing it? I am really enjoying it!
Had a go yesterday, the dog fights are great fun and much better/easier than BF2. BF2 still trumps it for overall gampley IMHO though.
I do have to agree, I know Battlefield 2 can get a bit hard but its the overall realness that I love about the game. The whole way it is set out with the huge maps, veichles, realistic situations is why I love it so much....
Yeah, you're regularly seeing news footage showing queues of infantry waiting around for the gunships to respawn
All joking aside I agree, the fact there are ten ways to deal with any given situation in BF2 was the strongest feature of that game - it meant it didn't get boring quickly.
For you BF2 fans - I'm sure you've seen it before, but well worth a repost: