Firstly, it's Stephen, although I prefer Steve.can i point out i am not stupid and do not need diagrams thank you steven, i have been sucessfully syphoning my tanks using this method for quite some time, however, in this instance since changing my tank it stalls mid flow for no reason whatsoever, hence my origional post, i have now got a pump as suggested (thank you tcamos), yes pricey, but worth it
Secondly, I have no idea whether you are stupid or not, I have never met you; Anyway, an understanding, or not, of siphons has no bearing on your degree of stupidity. I had no intention of implying that you were stupid and if I did so, I apologise.
Thirdly, it will not stop working "for no reason" when you change your tank; Changing your tank does not alter the laws of physics!
Finally, this is a public forum and whilst you may not need diagrams, something I can't possibly deduce from your posts, others may find them useful.
I agree that the tank height is not the issue either. I've got a very tall tank and before I bought the Aqueon water changer I siphoned a few times with a manual siphon to nearly a cm of water left at the bottom. I think your issue is that once it gets to 50% you can't start the siphon? How exactly do you start the siphon? As Steve suggested the law of physics don't care that it is a different tank. Anyway, I'd suggest get your self one of the water changer that attach a hose to the tap and use the tap water pressure to siphon, very easy, no buckets. I love my Aqueon water changer