Battery Operated Pump

Yea, userally every year our florida members have trouble keeping their fish alive during the hurricane season, would probably be devistating to a salt water tank. Why dont your just buy a generater and power your house off of that? gas wont be cheap but your fish will live.
We did purchase a generator after Hurricane Wilma left us without power for 13 days. I was hoping to find some sort of battery operated pump on the internet, as we would turn the generator off when we went to work each day, then back on for the rest of the night when we came home. Strange that our offices had power, but our homes didn't.

Can a tank survive without circulating water for 8 hours a day?
Car Battery + Invertor + Charger

Run the charger off the generator to recharge overnight
Run the tanks off the batteries via the invertor during the day
Run the charger off the generator to recharge overnight

I've seen this done on a another forum, it took a few batteries linked together but it worked well and the guy got a good 12 hours of mains power out of them.

Would probably be easier just to run the generator though :)
An interesting thought... you could use a UPS(Uninteruptable Power Supply) backup battery system. They're normally used for computers, but can be used for whatever. All they do is store power in a battery while your power is on, and when your power goes it it kicks over to the battery, the system won't even hiccup. Kinda pricey just to use for an aquarium, but if it saved your fish it could be worth it.
yeah i'm kinda wondering about the same stuff this hurricane season. Even though wilma basically hit us head on, we were only without power for aprox 9 hours. I'm going to pick up a battery op air pump, but i'm looking at other opetions too. I don't have a generator because i live in an appartment, sigh......
large ups then

You should be able to find them at most computer places, or buy one online. I've never bought one so I couldn't tell you too much, but I know they have lots of extra features that you wouldn't need (Auto shut down etc.)

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