bath time for kitties

oh, my cats need a bath then as they have dandruf.
You couldnt touch not one of my cats for a month if I were to bathe them... They are monsters I have to give up some of my cats because they are so mean, they are fighting among thierselves awful. I dont know how to get them to stop if you know what I mean. I have tried everything and nothing seems to be working.
i tried bathing my cats about 3 years ago.
Never gonna try again.
I had water every where and scratches all over me.
Absolute Nightmare.
I was blessed with really calm cats in the tub :p . Simba isn't calm and all nice and cuddly with me but I've been showering him since he was 4 weeks old so he's pretty much use to it. Sky I just introduced it to her about 2 months ago but I had a feeling she wasn't going to resist since she's your typical lap cat. Simba would scratch me when he was little but stopped doing it. I guess he realized that wasn't going to help him get out of the water faster :lol:
You have the most adorable cats. I have to bathe one of my cats Mr. Kitty (who looks a little like Simba) every week or so. He must have been a pig in his past life. :lol: I know cats roll in the dirt, but as soon as his paws leave my front door, it's in the dirt. He comes back inside so dirty he can't even go near my furniture or he will stain it. He also sleeps most of the time on my bed, and my sheets and comforter are an off white, and impossible to wash (king size) so unless I want to do laundry constantly he is getting bathed.
Our 7 year old cat Phoebe got her very first bath this past weekend. She just recently started going outside. The tub was filled with dirt afterwards. I have never bathed my cats, but future DIL bathes her cats and said Phoebe should have a bath. She and Son survived the ordeal which is really shocking considering how nasty Phoebe can be on a good day--she goes from purring and looking so cute and friendly to biting and drawing blood. Phoebe is Son's cat, so maybe that's why she didn't draw blood (plus he's in pretty good shape himself and very quick!)

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