Fish Herder
Let's just say I've decided on a Nano.
Let's say I'm an expert in SW Nano systems.
We have plenty of time to keep an eye on the tank and do more than regular upkeep. *IE , no life.*
What is a single small interesting fish to keep?
Dragonetts are my fav.
Let's say I REALLY want a couple FeatherDusters and an Anemone too.
Can you have an anemone and a couple feathers in a Nano? (Well, I know you CAN, but what kinds are better suited to it?)
How much live rock do I need?
How much live sand? ( I really like deep substrate.)
What single fish can I keep in it?
Are featherdusters just too hard to keep in a nano?
What about anemones?
What are the lighting/water requirements for FeatherDusters and Anemones?
What fish would do good with them?
When do I add some LiveRock?
What's the best Filter/Hardware for this size and setup?
Can I use Dead Sea Salt?
What is/are the best Test Kit/s for a Nano?
I do not want to murder any fish. But- I don't want to go over Ten Gallons either.
( I don't want a clown fish)
I already know you need a well aged tank for a Dragonette-
Are there any easy to feed fish that are like dragons? (ya know darter like fish, gobies,etc.)
I'm more than happy to wait up to a year before adding a fish, to make sure the tank has plenty of yummies.
Okay- this tank is really for mum. She adores SW. She's more than capable of upkeep/etc.
Thanks Guys!
* dont worry I'm not gonna run out and just go buying stuff,lol.*
Patience is the hunter-