Basic advice needed for a new setup


Jul 12, 2004
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Bedfordshire, UK
I'm thinking of buying a Juwel Rekord 60 or similar size aquarium, which according to advertisements is about 54 litres (~14g). Unfortunately I don't have the space for anything bigger.

What I'd really like to do is keep a group of neon tetras. I have read so much on stocking levels and still can't be sure what level I can comfortably stock to. How many Neon Tetra sized fish could I store in such a tank? Assuming the use of the standard filtering that comes with the Rekord. I'd be quit happy with half dozen of them and a tank set up to reflect, as closely as possible, their natural environment.

But, I also live in a naturally hard water area. I have no idea of the pH yet. Should I use water softening products and still go for the Neons or should I choose a more 'hardy' fish - if so, any suggestions? I also like guppies but since it's a small tank I don't want it full of kids in no time!

Do you plan on keeping *just* neons? Cos IMO you could easily fit 10-15 in there, if there were no other fish. You could try asking your lfs how hard the water in their tanks is; if it's the same as your tap water, neons bought from there would probably would be used to it, so they wouldn't mind. If you like guppies you could just keep males, I think -_- ...I've heard of plenty of people doing this without any ill effects...
What I'd really like to do is keep a group of neon tetras.

Sounds very good. I would put them about 15 neons in that tank and 2-3 amano shrimps.

But, I also live in a naturally hard water area. I have no idea of the pH yet. Should I use water softening products and still go for the Neons or should I choose a more 'hardy' fish - if so, any suggestions? I also like guppies but since it's a small tank I don't want it full of kids in no time!

If you can afford, think about buying RO-unit. How hard is your water anyway?

If you don't want to mess with your water, then it would be better to keep fish that live in similar water in nature. If you buy guppies, buy only males ;) then you want have any problems with fries and males are more colourful than females.
thanks for the replies.

I haven't decided whether it would be just neons yet. If I could fit in 15 of them then maybe I would go for less than that and add one pair of a larger type. Or maybe two shoals, one of neons, one of another (maybe guppies), or even two types of tetras. I might do some research and see what other fish come from the same part of the world.

Why do you suggest amano shrimps mrV? I think they are the ugliest things! Are they good for anything (eating algae, etc) or do you just like them?

An RO unit would be over budget. I can't go plumbing things in either (assuming they have to be) as I live in a rented house.

Male only guppies is an option. I would just have to make sure I picked the right ones! Do guppies require particularly more space than neons? i.e. if the tank would take 15 neons would it take 15 guppies instead?

sorry, missed an answer.

Not sure exactly how hard the water is. The area is just know for being hardwater, plus I tested it a little while ago with a tester that came with some washing machine liquid and it showed up towards the top of the scale.

I shall have to buy a proper tester to get a reading.
I would suggest buying cardinal tetras rather than neons, In my opinion they are prettier, and you dont have to worry about the dreaded neon tetra disease which is becoming more and more common.

Amano shrimps are great at cleanining up algae from surfaces of decorations and leaves, I have 2 and they are really funny to watch, even if not the prettiest of creatures :D




I agree that Cardinals are very nice, they may be a better option.

I have been visiting all my LFS and I have found one that stocks the Rekord 60. I may buy it this or next weekend and get it cycling (I'm confident I know what to do after reading this forum and other sites).

So I then have a couple of weeks during the cycling to decide what fish to stock.
My latest thinking is:

6 Harlequin Rasboras
2 Otos (Otocinclus affinis) added last, after thorough cycling

I would also like one or two of a medium sized fish, anybody have any suggestions? Most that I have looked at prefer to be kept in groups. I'm thinking about one male betta. But I will have to read a bit more about them to ensure compatibility with the others, unless anyone can confirm?

If there is space left after the above then maybe some male guppies, or, tetras (neon or cardinal).

Thanks for any advice. I just want to make sure I do it right!
Harlequin rasboras are also very sensitive, and need an established tank to survive. And amano shrimp eat algae. I thought they were cute...

I'm setting up a similar tank to yours at the momment. This is what I'm doing

6 Neon tetras
6 Glowlight tetras
1 bristlenose catfish
5 corries

I'm using bogwood to soften the water and lower the ph a little (I live in an area with soft, slightly alkaline water) and dark gravel to bring out the colours of the tetras.

Just an idea of what can be done with a tank like your own. It's worth having a think what you want in your tank -before- you start, then you don't end up getting fish you don't want later on and have to fit everything else around them.

Good luck with whatever you chose to do with your setup

I've bought one :D

I decided to get the Rekord 70 after comparing with the 60 in the shop.

Initial readings with a TetraTest (5 in 1) after AquaSafe de-chlorinator, but before anything else, are:

Nitrate: 10 mg/l
Nitrite: 0 mg/l
GH: >16 d
KH: 10 d
pH: 8

So it seems that I need to do something to reduce the hardness and pH for most fish that I have been looking at :( I got some driftwood too (soaking it at the moment before putting in the tank), will that help?

The gravel is fine, dark black/grey. I have just read about ensuring it is lime free. I didn't check this, but there is no indication on the bag. Is there a way to tell?

I also bought Bacterlife as the ammonia source to start the cycle, and shall continue to monitoring the levels.

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