Base For 240 Liter-60gallons


New Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Ok so I really want to buy the rio240, I don't want to waste money on a stand and really I can't afford the stand. so I have lots of building bricks , so i want to use them for the base.
Do I need sement or could I use silicon sealant to join the bricks up? and I was going to use the wood from an old computer table to, seaprate the tank glass from the bricks< any advice would be great!
Many folks have built stands from bricks or concrete blocks. The ones made from the larger blocks are just stacked, with a frame of wood for a base to support the tank.

If they are smaller bricks, such as those for building a house, you could criss cross them while stacking, this way they will lock together. Most table or desk tops are not thick enough to prevent warping without some support around the perimeter at the very least. If you have enough brick to build a base around the entire perimeter this will support it, if not frame it with some 2x4's.
Personally i'd mortar (cement) them, you can get a more level base that way than just stacking the bricks dry.

I'd suggest backing the board with some 3mm polystyrene tiles or foam carpet underlay before fixing it down onto the brick work, this way when you screw it down the backing irons out any little lumps and bumps in the bricks and gives you a completely flat base.

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