Barrel Bog Gardens


Fish Fanatic
Jul 14, 2007
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Leicester, uk
My mum would like a bog garden type thing in one of her half barrells but has a problem with frogs in her garden.
We don't really want to put like a mesh over it because she would like iris's growing in it.
So what can we do to make sure the frogs can get out?
Why couldn't they climb or even just jump out themselves though? If not, how would they get in?

Should have no problem getting in/out of a half barrel, I've seen lot's of half barrels with frogs in them, and even tall water butts :).
you could always put a little ladder at the back for them to climb down lol, just kidding they should b able to get out of the barrel if there is plants in there they can put there feet on they will jump out, i know what you mean about dead frogs though yuk lol

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