

Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
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i have 3 female golden tiger barbs that i think are pregnant because of their belly size and i was wondering how do u tell when they are ready to lay eggs.
Not sure. I thought mine were sick when in fact they were pregnant. Very swollen bellies. My Rosy Barbs weren't eating much (which I again attributed to sickness). That might be one way to tell. Are they still acting normal and swimming all over the tank? Mine hid behind plants in a fairly dense area, I'm guessing because they knew it would be safe there for their babies.

Again. All this was happening when I thought they were sick, so that might not be normal behaviour.
no they are hanging with the shoal but every now an then swiming around the planted area of my tank. apart from that they just swim with the skool.
Maybe they are still in early stages of pregnancy. If they are still acting normally, then maybe they are just a bit pudgy. When they start doing things out of the ordinary, then i'd say they are pregnant

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