Barb Algae Eater?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Rocky Mountains Foothills
I recently bought a couple of algae eaters that neither I nor the LFS(where I bought them) can identify. It was something they recieves instead of SAE's.

Right now they're pretty small, maybe 1" to 1.5" and really thin and long. They are grey with a white belly and have big scales which make them look related to barbs. In fin shape they kind of resemble zipper or red finned loaches and they like to prop themselves on them. The eyes are large and black and they have a spot on either side of their body near the tail. They sort of hover around the tank when they're not sucking on something. Possibly aggressive as they sometimes chase my silver hatchets around.

Any ideas. Sorry, I don't have a picture of them; they're too small to get a good shot of them.
Awe. :(

It's not like anyone cares. Maybe they were like me and didn't answer because they had no idea. :p

Glad you found your answer. :D
Or didn't notice the question. I hate seeing messages with no replies drift down the page and always try to at least suggest a reason why nobody has answered, but I just didn't see this one. Odd.

It wasn't moved here from another forum was it?
If you look at this thread on the active threads list, it is a few pages back now, it doesn't have any kind of "moved" icon, and yet it is in the hybrids forum, originally it was in TCC, I know, I moved it, the re-direct is still in TCC.

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