Banning ADFs/ACFs and Possibly ALL Fish in College

I can understand the Uni's, or Colleges concern but 5 or less gallon tank in a dorm is perfect and if anything, from a phycologists perspective, it's calming and eases the mind of all stress while working under harsh conditions.

it also serves as a nice distraction when you're trying to write papers at 2 in the morning. :lol:
Fiori -- see, when kids leave their pets behind, that's understandable for not allowing them. But my uni is considering banning them simply because they do breathe oxygen. Stupid university. ..It's gotta suck to deal with an escaped snake, though.
Sorrel -- he fed his mouse muffins? That's awesome! lol ..I so want a 55 in my room. But everyone would kill me. My boyfriend has a betta, but it's his, so I can't steal it if we fight. lol

And yes, it is a nice soothing distraction. My fish are kinda like my stress reliever, as well as just something to keep me occupied. I like taking care of them, and they do silly things. [Like right now, my guppy and platies are attacking the Spirulina algae tablet I tossed in for the Oto.. he was eating it when I came in the room, but once the light went on he abandoned it and the livebearers took over. They haven't left that corner yet.]
Bettas are also a source of humor, because of how friendly they are and how they react with their owners. My new girl, Tinkerbell, has a tendancy to sit there and stare at me no matter what I'm doing. It's cute.
They are definitely a useful thing to have. A nice, cute distraction. :D
at my old school, the rule was only "small" fish tanks which left room for much interpretation...
i had a 10 gal, a 3.5 gal, 12 1 gals, a 1.5 gal and a 10 gal for betta breeding (yes i bred bettas in my dorm!)
i also had 2 turtles.
honestly i never once let the ra in to inspect my room but yeah, i probably would have been in mucho trouble if she had.
but anyways, thank God i dont live in a dorm anymore!
dont adfs breathe air? mine always jet up to the surface-i assume thats what they are doing.
i've got a 5.5 gallon tank in my room with a couple guppies. i had 2 ADF's in there as well, but they passed on :sad: my RA didn't care, she didn't even know that my tank was under ten gallons!!! she did ask me about my adfs though, but once i told her that they were fully aquatic she was fine about it.
jacblades -- holy crap that's a lot of tanks.. and I thought I had a lot! ..I intend on breeding bettas after the Christmas break.. I've got a little crowntail girl and a delta comb/crown male I wanted to cross.. How'd you manage it in a dorm? And yeah, ADFs breathe air, but not in the way the rules stated.

nino -- My don nearly had a heart attack when I mentioned the word 'frog'.. even the explanation of him being aquatic and everything didn't help. I wish my don were cool like your RA. Stupid don. lol
littlefishie said:
jacblades -- holy crap that's a lot of tanks.. and I thought I had a lot! ..I intend on breeding bettas after the Christmas break.. I've got a little crowntail girl and a delta comb/crown male I wanted to cross.. How'd you manage it in a dorm? And yeah, ADFs breathe air, but not in the way the rules stated.
i really dont recommend it.
having to move all of the babies back to my house at the end of the year was awful.
if you decide to, be sure to research research research first! they can have 500 babies!
and i know NO dorm has room for that many jars.
Oh believe me, I've been researching it.. Actually, my dorm has a lot of space because it's supposed to be a double room but my roommate left in September. I have an extra desk as well as a chest of drawers with more than enough surface area for jars and such. Trust me, I've been planning it for a month, and just recently got my girl.. I'm going through the whole research process right now, and making a booklet of what I find. I thought about the whole moving them back thing, but don't live that far from campus (half an hour at least) so it wouldn't be too bad. Then again, I'm thinking I may postpone it til the summer, when I have the 4 months to dedicate to it.. we'll see how things go in the new year. It depends on the job I'll get in the summer, too.
littlefishie said:
Oh believe me, I've been researching it.. Actually, my dorm has a lot of space because it's supposed to be a double room but my roommate left in September. I have an extra desk as well as a chest of drawers with more than enough surface area for jars and such. Trust me, I've been planning it for a month, and just recently got my girl.. I'm going through the whole research process right now, and making a booklet of what I find. I thought about the whole moving them back thing, but don't live that far from campus (half an hour at least) so it wouldn't be too bad. Then again, I'm thinking I may postpone it til the summer, when I have the 4 months to dedicate to it.. we'll see how things go in the new year. It depends on the job I'll get in the summer, too.
i promise you will definately want the four months in the summer. you will have more time to dedicate to the fish and you will certainly see the benefits.
i had a double room too. i had the extra bed covered with bettas... and i lived 15 min away from the school too...still not worth it...
What were the main problems you had? If you don't mind my asking.. I'm just trying to compare for the sake of argument, really.. My mom's a bit iffy about my fish coming home, so if I were to bring them home and then breed them, she may kill me. lol If I did it at school I could give them away to my friends before having to bring them home, which was my main reason for wanting to do it while at school.. How did you find homes for yours?

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