Banned Fish

it all depends on diffrent states

asain arowana are banned everywere in the US

and FW stingrays are banned in some of the hotter states so are some snakeheads

why do you want to know what fish are banned
i actually double checked to see if this was the same poster that asked what fish could kill a human
Illegal to own in the US

(1) Exotic catfish. (redtailed)
(2) Bighead carp.
(3) Black carp
(4) Silver carp.
(5) White perch.
(6) Snakehead.
(7) Rudd.
(8 Ruffe.
(9) Tubenose goby.
(10) Round goby.
(11) A hybrid or genetically altered fish of any of these species

Zoological parks are immune to these laws
I was just checking to make sure that any fish that I want aren't banned.

T1KARMANN said that some snakeheads are banned in warmer states. I live in Lincoln, Nebraska, which isn't really a warm state. Would snakeheads be banned in Nebraska?

I was just checking to make sure that any fish that I want aren't banned.

T1KARMANN said that some snakeheads are banned in warmer states. I live in Lincoln, Nebraska, which isn't really a warm state. Would snakeheads be banned in Nebraska?


You could always check with your local authorities and actually ask, that would be the easiest and smartest solution.
Wait, Red Tailed Catfish are banned? I know for a fact that Shark Aquarium sells TONS of these guys at all sizes, including around the 3 foot range on occasion. Considering I know they ship all over the US and are relatively widely acclaimed... I find it odd that they'd be so obviously breaking a law. Are you sure on that status?
hey goby master n every1 else.:)
I laugh when i read sum of the forums u made, some people cant believe ur asking which fish cud kill a human lol i think its funny az, theyre mad arnt they paranoid incase uve got some1 to get rid of lol and then which fish are banned in the states lol theyre asking why u want 2 know that and someone even says its the same person who asked wot fish cud kill a man lol they must think ur gunna smuggle em into the country or summit lol so up 2 now uve killed someone and want 2 know which fish cud get rid of the body and your smuggling deadly fish into the country :lol: ha ha good crack lol
im just really ammused by this :) :lol:

BIG SHARK :good:
Every State in the United States has its own list of prohibited fishes. Some of them are fairly limited while others (Texas, California, and Florida come to mind immediately) have very extensive lists of prohibited fishes. Snakeheads are not illegal in all States but there is a Federal ban on importation and interstate shipping of snakeheads and their eggs.

As far as Nebraska is concerned, I received an email from Dean Rosenthal, Fisheries Division of the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission a couple of years ago confirming that all species of snakeheads are illegal to possess in Nebraska. Other than that, Nebraska doesn't have any other restrictions on tropical fish (at the time of that email) though there are specific rules governing the use of native fishes in the aquarium.

Oh...and Big Shark...I just can't help but ask.....What language are you writing in?? :blink:

Hope this helps,
Illegal to own in the US
(1) Exotic catfish. (redtailed)
Wait, Red Tailed Catfish are banned? I know for a fact that Shark Aquarium sells TONS of these guys at all sizes, including around the 3 foot range on occasion. Considering I know they ship all over the US and are relatively widely acclaimed... I find it odd that they'd be so obviously breaking a law. Are you sure on that status?
Yeah, just yesterday I went to my LFS, and saw that they had 3 Redtail Cats for sail.

So is my LFS just breaking the law, or are they now banned in the US any more?

Read what Fruitbat has just said

Every State in the United States has its own list of prohibited fishes. Some of them are fairly limited while others (Texas, California, and Florida come to mind immediately) have very extensive lists of prohibited fishes. Snakeheads are not illegal in all States but there is a Federal ban on importation and interstate shipping of snakeheads and their eggs.

That should answer your question.
Regarding Red-tailed Catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus), as far as I know they aren't banned in any state though I would check my own state's laws to be sure. They certainly are not Federally banned in the United States. The only catfish that have Federal restrictions are members of the family Clariidae - also known as the 'walking catfish' and not all genera and species of those are prohibited either.

It is essential that you check your own state's regulations if there is a particular fish you have a question about. Most of them are available on-line or you can call your state's Fish and Game Department (or whatever they call it) and ask for their prohibited species list.

I believe the status on redtails is true for some state or province as I got that list of an actual government document but I don't remember for which statre it was, and yes that makes sense, that states regulate the fish and not the national government. At least at some point it was true, but it's probably not as enforced as say, snakeheads because red tails won't survive in the wild in America, they just cause so many issues with people trying to give big ones away. Also, law enforcers are more likely to understand traffic laws than environmental ones I suppose. I too see redtails for sale a lot so I can't tell you for sure.
Araura Discus...

Is WHAT some sort of bichir or reedfish?? (a bit confused)


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