These will be the first fish i will meaningfully breed kept guppies before and they just bred like crazy still have 1 of the fry that i cudnt catch as it was a new born i gave the others away.
This is my 4ft 55g that all my fish are in atm
This is the tank with the corys now in it all 6 of them plus 1 fry that is the pic below this one.
Feeding on bloodworms brineshrimp (both frozen) also JMC catfish pellets and algae wafers o and the used to get flake off the bottom in the 4 ft as i only just moved them 2 minutes ago.
Only issue is i would like to lower the temp of the breeding tank but the heater is 150w and its as low as it goes and the temp is 78-79F atm i may have to pop up to maidenhead and get some things and need to start a microworm culture as i have no food for the fry apart from the same things as the adults plus some insect larvae i think its daphnia as well.
Corys seem happy and settled in quickly but then they were moving back into there old home anyway.
Im hoping that the bandits wont eat their own fry as they arnt the biggest of corys. not to fused if they are egg eaters i just have to be quick on my feet and stick them ina breeding trap (another thing to add to the list)
Wish me luck.
These will be the first fish i will meaningfully breed kept guppies before and they just bred like crazy still have 1 of the fry that i cudnt catch as it was a new born i gave the others away.
This is my 4ft 55g that all my fish are in atm
This is the tank with the corys now in it all 6 of them plus 1 fry that is the pic below this one.
Feeding on bloodworms brineshrimp (both frozen) also JMC catfish pellets and algae wafers o and the used to get flake off the bottom in the 4 ft as i only just moved them 2 minutes ago.
Only issue is i would like to lower the temp of the breeding tank but the heater is 150w and its as low as it goes and the temp is 78-79F atm i may have to pop up to maidenhead and get some things and need to start a microworm culture as i have no food for the fry apart from the same things as the adults plus some insect larvae i think its daphnia as well.
Corys seem happy and settled in quickly but then they were moving back into there old home anyway.
Im hoping that the bandits wont eat their own fry as they arnt the biggest of corys. not to fused if they are egg eaters i just have to be quick on my feet and stick them ina breeding trap (another thing to add to the list)
Wish me luck.