Bandit breeding pair male kills female (Correction, Convict)


Fish Crazy
Mar 7, 2022
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I'm actually new with bandits, had them for a few months (breeding pair) with fry now about a month old and male decides to kill the female after all this time. Is this perhaps instinct of the male protecting the fry?
Is this a Bandit Cichlid - Guianacara species? It could be that the male was ready to breed again before the female which is a common reason for this kind of behaviour.

It's a drag ain't it ? A guy has his ideas of great things and something like this blows up right in your face.
What can be expected from fish, especially cichlids! I started way back with three tiny bandits, two females one male, as soon as he paired up with one female, he instantly killed the other female. All looked really good between them for a few months, they were very protective of the fry. Funny just yesterday my wife is looking at them and she says "looks like he is ready but she doesn't want to be bothered" Holy cow was she right!
Ahh, love...
Bandit Cichlids?

Which species of Guianacara? I've kept very peaceful ones, and very aggressive ones. The group look a lot alike but the behaviour can really vary.

A male killing a female is usually the result of a too small tank.
I was just told, the male should be smaller and not as aggressive to have a "long lasting pair", I guess he got rejected. Wow.
Convict Cichlids ! Expect anything from them. They have been described by someone on this forum as SuperMax Prison Cichlids and that is absolutely right on.
I totally expect anything from these fish. I wouldn't be surprise to find the male has eaten the fry one of these days even though he is super protective.
They are usually very protective of their fry. I've had them breed many times over the years. ANYBODY can get Convicts to breed. They're so easy , just put any male and female together and watch the show. They might be the only cichlid that doesn't go through the pairing off ritual . The female is usually the smaller of the two and the male usually gets the worst of it. There was a guy , Wayne Leibel , (rest in peace) who did genetic experiments with them for years because , like fruit flies , they were such dependable breeders. Now the hard part. Try getting rid of the fry. Most pet shop owners will lock the door if they see you coming with a bag of them.

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