bamboo shrimp

tallykg shrimp dont eat fish. the fish store most likely gave you a craw dad which will eat small fish. they look very similar to the bamboo shrimp, are the same color except bamboo shrimp have fan filters and craw dads have claws. craw dads also get bigger. id take the craw dad back unless your planning on getting bigger fish like chiclids.
I just got a bamboo shrimp and I love him! He's doing a great job of eating stuff the cories don't want. (Don't worry, I still do weekly water changes) He's really fun to watch!
i had one a while ago, but it died. Mine was really cool. I'm not sure if yours did this, but miner changed colors depending on his surroundings. On plants, he turned green, on my red and white rock, he turned orange, and got dark on my purple gravel. He really cleaned up a lot.

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