Bamboo Shrimp Playing Dead


Jan 2, 2012
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Grantham Lincolnshire
Need some help here, my bamboo shrimp has been playing dead for a three days now, literally belly up with legs in the air. I was sure he was a goner but he still alive and I showing no external signs of anything untowards. Figured it would be best to leave him where he is and keep a careful eye on what's happening. He shed about three weeks ago and there does not appear to be any bullying going on. The only reason I haven't euthanised yet is because some thread I read on another site where some guy had the same issue which lasted for five days, then all was back to normal. Can anyone shed light on what might be going on here
Maybe a silly question, but are you sure it's actually the shrimp and not a shed skin?

When they're young and growing, shrimp can shed quite often.
Lol no its definitely the shrimp. He will move quite quick if provoked but will then land on his back and pretend to be dead again.
The only thing I can say for certain is, quit disturbing him. And don't do any water changes until you know one way or another if it's only mostly dead. (Sorry ... Princess Brideophile here.)
Thanks for that, he has found a spot in the corner of the tank under the filter, so I have covered the outside area to give him some peace and darkness. It really doesn't look very good but I am holding out for this miracle recovery that I read some where else

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