Bamboo Shrimp All Turn Red. Why?


Mostly New Member
Dec 17, 2013
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Hi, so not so much a concern rather than a question. My bamboo shrimp all turn red like cherry shrimp a couple weeks after I add them to my 180 gal. They are never red at the stores. I've added to the group later too and same results. I've tested them by putting some new ones in a ten gallon at the same time as adding to my 180 thinking maybe its the food so despite feeding the same in both tanks only the ones in my 180 gal turned red. Curious what makes them red. Thanks.
Well great I will look at your article too! Thanks. I grabbed a picture although I am afraid not the best picture since its in the current and bobbing lol. I don't think the picture does justice to the intensity of red.
Post it up anyway! Its always nice to see how other peoples aquatic world looks
Oops didn't attach. Says error. I'll try again in a few minutes.
Well just keeps saying internal server error? Meh:(
In the 180gal tank is there also fish? Some shrimp will go red under stress.
It could also come down to different pH and gH in the two tanks even different substrates used in the tanks and any natural timbers in the tank.
Yes it is a community tank. Not fully stocked. I have a water dragon which lives above the tank and once in a blue moon takes a swim. I'll have to look into the suggestions.
It's perfectly normal for a bamboo shrimp to turn red!
Sometimes I mistake mine for a giant cherry!
It's been red since I started feeding pellets to my cherries, maybe it's eating a few of the granules as well! :p

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