balding gerbil


Aug 29, 2004
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I have two black gerbils, Simon and Beetroot. Simon is smaller than Beetroot, but eats fine, doesn't seem to be getting picked on, and is a picture of health... except... he's developing a bald patch on his neck (top side, not underside). I'm confused... I'm not worrying too much because his behaviour seems normal and there are no other symptoms. He started getting the bald patch about a week and a half ago, it got bigger (it's NOT big, it's just like an exagerated parting) and it doesn't seem to be getting worse. I'm reluctant to take him to the vet, because I'm a skint student and have no money (i spent it all on fish :rolleyes: ). Though, if he needs a vet I'll definately take him. I just don't know if he needs one or not... any ideas??
It sounds like mites, in which case you can buy a limited range of treatment from a pet store. If he is scratching a lot, it might be mites. there are other causes but they are frequently common in little animals. make sure you disinfectant their house thoroughly with animal approved cleaners and if you buy a treatment for mites its worth treating Beetroot too. good luck!
I agree, it is most likely mites, but I would urge you to take him to the vet for treatment, because nothing you can buy from a pet shop will do any good.
He will most likely need ivermectin injections weekly for 3 occasions.
The total cost should be fairly low.

Please note, this advice assumes you are in the UK.
I believe the laws on what pet shops can sell are different in the US, so you may be able to get something appropriate.

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