I agree. I recommend getting your water situation under control, then concentrate on creating a perfect habitat for the fish you still have.
Could be a bit of luck more than anything so make sure you get the nitrite levels down to 0 - water changes are your best option :)

The only other thing it could have been - I've heard of large skittish fish doing this but never seen it. If they get spooked they can charge around the tank and bang into the glass - they energy these fish have and can burst out quickly can cause them to essentially knock them selves out or cause fatal damage. Its unlikely but not impossible.
Could be a bit of luck more than anything so make sure you get the nitrite levels down to 0 - water changes are your best option :)

The only other thing it could have been - I've heard of large skittish fish doing this but never seen it. If they get spooked they can charge around the tank and bang into the glass - they energy these fish have and can burst out quickly can cause them to essentially knock them selves out or cause fatal damage. Its unlikely but not impossible.
I've heard of Discus doing that and I've seen my rainbows get spooked like that too...thankfully nothing more than a fat lip but then they're smaller than bala sharks or discus
Could be a bit of luck more than anything so make sure you get the nitrite levels down to 0 - water changes are your best option :)

The only other thing it could have been - I've heard of large skittish fish doing this but never seen it. If they get spooked they can charge around the tank and bang into the glass - they energy these fish have and can burst out quickly can cause them to essentially knock them selves out or cause fatal damage. Its unlikely but not impossible.
Thanks everyone for their help it's very much appreciated 👍
I highly doubt 0.5ppm nitrite killed the fish. Fish swim around in tanks with more ammonia and survive and ammonia is much more toxic than nitrite. Nitrite might have contributed but I doubt it caused their deaths.

We still need pictures of dead fish and remaining live fish to check them for diseases.

You mention pearl gouramis as being new. They might have brought in a disease. How long have you had them for?
Sorry dead fish have be disposed of here are some pictures of remaining fish 20230830_202519.jpg


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OK, a couple things. That bala shark looks like it has a severe case of ich, and possibly a bacterial infection as well. Do its white spots look like grains of salt?
The dwarf gourami in the middle picture looks like it might be suffering from ich and fin rot.
OK, a couple things. That bala shark looks like it has a severe case of ich, and possibly a bacterial infection as well. Do its white spots look like grains of salt?
The dwarf gourami in the middle picture looks like it might be suffering from ich and fin rot.
Yes they do I have only had the dwarfs 1 week . Come to think this is when all the trouble started
I thought the bala sharks were all dead...have you bought more? This tank is no where near sufficient space for this fish, it must have a group to develop its social structure (which is quite pronounced in this species), and it attains 14 inches (some report 16 inches) and is very active. An 8-foot/243 cm length tank is minimum. The stress from this alone will bring on ich, or make the fish more susceptible if the ich came in on the gourami.
No the larger one I have had about a year it was the small one's that died. I don't need a lecture on the size they grow but thanks all the same
No the larger one I have had about a year it was the small one's that died. I don't need a lecture on the size they grow but thanks all the same

Members here care about fish, and about your fish, and you asked concerning dead fish. And how do we know what you know--we don't. Many things impact fish health, and ich is due to stress so if the gourami brought the ich with them, and the barbs (Bala Shark are barbs) contracted it, it means the barbs were severely stressed or they would have easily handled it. And being too few is stressful, highly so.
Yes as do I care that is why I asked people on here to help solve the issues. It seems strange for it to affect only the Bala

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