Bala Shark


New Member
Dec 30, 2010
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I was thinking about starting a new tank, with a few Bala sharks in it, but was wondering what other good fish I could put with them.

I'm thinking X3 Bala Sharks
X2 Angel Fish
X1 Clown Pleco
X1 Bristle nose Pleco
X5 Tiger Barbs
If anyone knows any reason why that would not work please comment:D
Pretty much anything that's not too aggressive and that's too large to be eaten. Bala sharks aren't predatory, but they will snack on small fish like neon tetras. Any of the barb species would work; my mum's got giant danios and five-banded barbs with hers.

You do know you'll need a very large tank for them don't you? And I mean 6 foot plus; they can grow to 14" long and do need to be in a shoal of at least 5 or 6.
yeah but I can sell them back to the store when they grow to big, but I haven't even got a spare tank yet so I'm just thinking about it as its annoying being restricted to only small fish in this tank.
Nothing wrong with small fish! Some of the loveliest and most interesting fish in the world are only small :good:

I don't really agree with getting big fish if you can't house them properly for their whole lives. How do you know that they won't get sick or stuinted in your tank if it's too small for them? How do you know the your LFS will look after them properly or sell them to some one who will?

Would you buy a Great Dane puppy and then sell it when it grew too big for your house?

Just some things to consider, IMO...

Oh..angels need to be in a group of 6 plus, or singles as they're quite aggressive. Tiger barbs are a no no with angels; the barbs are too nippy, even in larger shoals. Apart from that, you're ok, as long as your tank's large enough!
I know a lot of people who give/sell/exchange their fish once they get bigger. personally I don't really like doing that as I believe it causes unnecessary stress on the fish and like to keep a fish for its life. There have been a few I've taken on as people didn't want them or were going to flush them down the toilet and I rehomed them.

Your stocking seems fine if your going to rehome your balas when they get bigger. Tiger barbs can be fin nippers in smaller groups so its suggested to keep them in numbers of 6+, the more the better I say (as long as you have the room)

Good luck when you get your new tank.
Thats a fair point, but I have got a 200 liter tank with some small fish in like tetras, so I wanted to make a tank that has fish that I like but couldn't have in my existing tank, like angel fish Bala sharks were just an idea :D

I know a lot of people who give/sell/exchange their fish once they get bigger. personally I don't really like doing that as I believe it causes unnecessary stress on the fish and like to keep a fish for its life. There have been a few I've taken on as people didn't want them or were going to flush them down the toilet and I rehomed them.

Your stocking seems fine if your going to rehome your balas when they get bigger. Tiger barbs can be fin nippers in smaller groups so its suggested to keep them in numbers of 6+, the more the better I say (as long as you have the room)

Good luck when you get your new tank.

Cheers man, I get what you mean about re homing fish but I have 5 clown loaches in my tank now that I though I would have to sell but they haven't grown in ages now and they are still very happy and healthy.
Can I ask what size tank you have the clown loaches in please?
Can I ask what size tank you have the clown loaches in please?

110cm in length x 45cm in depth x 75cm high
I think it's around 200l

According to the volume calculator your tank is 371 Ltrs, going by the measurments in your last post. Nice tank by the way :good:

According to the volume calculator your tank is 371 Ltrs, going by the measurments in your last post. Nice tank by the way :good:


Cool, thanks by the way. Its due for a good clean though :p

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