Bala Shark (Silver Shark)

andywg said:
That product is going to be no good for the cycling. When those products lock up the ammonia they do it in such a way that bacteria cannot break it down. The only cycling product that works is Bio Spira which comes refrigerated and contains the actual bacteria you are looking for, the other products - such as cycle - are a placebo.

I would also question your nitrate test because I don't think I've read of anyone else on here having a 0 nitrate tap water (without RO) though I may stand to be corrected on that. It could be that the test is not working properly. Which type is it? does it involve strips of paper or tubes of water?

If it's of any value.. my tap water is 0 nitrate also.. in fact it's 0 everything! 0 ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, KH hardness, and GH hardness, all register 0, PH sits between 6.9-7.0. :cool:

It shows the Lake District has other qualities, other than the usual rain, sleet, snow and wind :lol:
It's perfectly normal for tap water to have 0 nitrAtes. It should also have 0 ammonia and nitrItes. I know this isn't always the case but it is for me and, I'm sure, for most people on here. What is very unusual is to have 0 nitrAtes in tank water that has living fish in it. This usualy suggests the tank hasn't even begun to cycle, some sort of product is messing up readings or the tank is very, very heavily planted and very under-stocked (that last part isn't a bad thing ;)).
>>> I'm sure, for most people on here.

Nitrates in tap water is a common and growing problem for most water authorities, particulaly in rural areas where agricultural fertilizers are permeating the water table. I think you'll find that an awful lot of people on the board have some nitrates in their tapwater, and some water utilities actively have to de-nitrate in order to get their product within legal levels. In some places, warnings have been issued to stop pregnant women from drinking tapwater, and to not use tapwater to make up baby food. Have a google about Sylvia, you may be suprised.

>>> very, very heavily planted

I already asked, she has 2 plants.

>>> hasn't even begun to cycle, some sort of product is messing up readings

:nod: Very probable.
The reasons I gave weren't about the original post - I was mostly replying to the last few posters. I did see that she had 2 plants. (It occurs to me that I should start using those quote things more often...) Anyway, yes, I'm aware of the presence of nitrAtes in many people's tapwater but it seems to me (from when I've asked people to test their tap water in the beginner's section) that the majority do have 0 nitrAtes. I've heard about the warning to pregnant women but never realy looked further into that. Sounds interesting (maybe I will google it :p). I won't wonder completely off-topic by asking if you know what effect the nitrAtes have and the reasons behind this - I'm sure the answers are just a click away ;).

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