Symptoms: Redness on body, blood streaks on skin and fins, inflamed blood vessels, hemorrhaging around the eyes, sluggishness and loss of appetite. Septicemia usually occurs along side other diseases, and can result from poor water conditions. There is a high risk of
Dropsy occurring as result of septicemia.
Treatment: Treat with Maracyn-Two medication. Isolate the fish. Then call a pet store or ask your vet for information on treatment. It is essential to treat septicemia immediately, or else it is fatal......
Taken from fish doctor that article.
Septicemia is blood poisoning have to get on top of it fast as its a killer, never would even consider using a mild bacterial med like melafix.
Symptoms: Redness on body, blood streaks on skin and fins, inflamed blood vessels, hemorrhaging around the eyes, sluggishness and loss of appetite. Septicemia usually occurs along side other diseases, and can result from poor water conditions. There is a high risk of
Dropsy occurring as result of septicemia.
Treatment: Treat with Maracyn-Two medication. Isolate the fish. Then call a pet store or ask your vet for information on treatment. It is essential to treat septicemia immediately, or else it is fatal......
Taken from fish doctor that article.

Septicemia is blood poisoning have to get on top of it fast as its a killer, never would even consider using a mild bacterial med like melafix.