New Member
Thank you! Sorry! need advice. We had two Bala Sharks for approximately a year. Both gorgeous and lively and healthy. Yesterday we did a water exchange of approximately half our tank (75 gallon tank). We were gone for a couple hours and when we came home one Bala was upside down on bottom of tank and had passed. The other Bala was also upside down, but swimming and turning himself right side up from time to time. We tested water and levels were fine. We finally figured out that the heater was broken so after research we assumed that the balas were shocked by a temperature change. It was after 6 on Sunday our pet stores were closed. Went to Walmart and purchased two 30-60 gallon heaters and we added warm water to the aquarium immediately. Looked for advice online. Added stress coat per such advice. Dimmed lights for the night to try to alleviate stress per such advice. This morning our Bala is still alive and swimming although he is still upside down. he looks silver and shiny. His eyes look more black than usual. We don't have any other bigger or aggressive fish in our tank (clown loaches, angel fish, silver dollar fish). Trying to figure out what is the best way to try to help him. One site suggested feeding frozen