bala shark acting strange


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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I looked at my bala shark just now and he is doing flips and swimming on his side. I have seen him swim on his side before but never doing flips and such/ Is this ok? Is he sick and is there anythign I can do for him?
First what size tank is he in and how big is he? also does he have any friends?

I had 2 bala's who grew up together, when I gave my huge on (much larger than the other one) to my aunt, the one I had left started acting very strange, doing flips and freaking out, when I added 2 babies he calmed down quit a bit and at least stopped with the eractic swimming behaviors.

It could be that he is lonely, or that he does not have enough room.

What are your water parameters like?
mrcrabbs said:
I looked at my bala shark just now and he is doing flips and swimming on his side. I have seen him swim on his side before but never doing flips and such/ Is this ok? Is he sick and is there anythign I can do for him?
well, if he's all alone that could be it
what are his tank mates?
do you have any other balas?
bala sharks are schooling fish so you should have at least 3
if schooling fish are alone, they may feel thretened,
just think,
if you knew by instincts that you should be in a group but you are all alone,
would you not feel vulnerable? would you not question if everyone else was eaten? :crazy:
it would make you crazy!

also, if the tank is too small, he might feel crowded and trapped
Well he is doing worse. Keeps flipping. He is in a 29 gallon and when he gets to big I am going to give him away. He is with one other shark. There are 2 blue gouramis, a beta, a crab, 3 algae eaters and a crab. I tested the water yesterday and it was fine.

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