Baking Soda


Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2004
Reaction score
Arizona USA
I have been reading about adding baking soda to buffer the ph in the tank, but how much? on article says 1 teaspoon for every 10 gallons another says 1 table spoon for every ten gallons? so which is it?
how much does matter on your tap water conditions...

I suggest filling a 5 gallon buck with 5 gallons of water. Add an airstone connected to an airpump for circulation and add a teaspoon at a time until you reach your desired ph. You will then know how many tsp per 5 gallons you need to add.

Most people will say that you will only get 8.2 for a ph no matter how much you add. But I have a tqank that has a ph of 9.0 from baking soda but I aslo have a few peices of base rock in my tank also.

I also suggest add crushed coral in media bags to your filters. This will help buffer your ph (basically help keep it stable).

Why are you wanting to raise your ph? Most of the time this isnt really necessary.
Actually I was just curious my tap waters ph is 7.8 and my gh is 17-22.

So, as you can see Im not very worried about; I just wanted to know.

Thanks for the info.

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