Bafoon Lfs


Fish Fanatic
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
Riverside CA
ok so last weekend i was planning on getting a ten gallon nano reef for 100 dollars. I have been saving up for this for at least a year (i am slightly tight on money) and i have 300 dollars for the budget whick i thought was ok because i am not including stocking. so when i got to the LFS I went to their collection of marine stuff while my mom talked to the LFS guy and guess what. he got her convinced that 40 gallons was the minimum for coral and the entire project would cost over 1500 dollars and so when i went back to my mom she was all like nooooo way and she just wont accept that the LFS person was wrong and you can have coral in a ten gallon tank. so what do i do because honestly i dont care if i only have mushroom coral and zoanthids all i want is a ten gallon nano reef but my mom just dosent get it now i feel like i will never get an nano reef (well for the next 2 to 4 years) does anyone have advise? i know that this is a stuped thing to post about but i really want a nano reef.
I would get creative. Print out pictures and articles about nano reef tanks. Then leave them next to her toilet or something. I'll bet if you're not confrontational but try to educate her a little bit. She may not read or look at the first papers you leave, but if you are persistent I'll bet she caves in.
The lfs does what they do to turn a profit. In my mind they just tried to do a McDonalds; do you want to supersize that?

Nobody on this site makes any money from sharing advice. While I'm not up on marine tanks & so on, I'm sure that others who are will post on here, and will bring this topic to their attention should it get no replies in a timely manner.
the problem is she is the kind of person that will only trust an LFS person even thoe they just want you to spend more money at the store. thanks thoe and i will do that some good news is i am getting a keirsel tank this summer for some moon jellyfish so that will be cool. i am going to wait to try to convince her to let me get a nano reef untill we have had the jellyfish tank for a few months so by next winter we willl have a nano reef. she had a 20 gallon reef when she was in collage so she wants this but she dosent understang that you can even have a 3 gallon picoreef i will email here some nanoreef pictres and i think that will help her want to let me have a tank
Ask lljdma06 permission to use some pictures of her tanks and show your mom I'll link them in a minute there stunning and two are smaller than ten gallon

This is 8 gallons

sweet but guess what so i emailed her when she was at work this morning nd she got mad because it is mothers day and that i need to give her a break so well that sets me back a bit ):
hah if you think mums are bad try convincing the misses that another tank is a good idea lol. gifts work, a nice expensive new bag before you drop the bomb that u want to set up another tank :good:

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