Bae's 1.? Gallon Pico Tank


Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears.Beets.Battlestar
Oct 7, 2008
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i spotted a betta acrylic mini cube aquarium on ebay last week and got it for £10 i already had sand heater and my parents said i could nick abit of lr from theres as i had gave them some when i closed my nano down and they let me cut off a bit of jasmine coral and i glued it to a little bit of lr so thats open and fine ime gonna have corals and sexy shrimp and a fish if i can find a tiny fish ive seen people keeping clown gobys in them but ime undecided yet

and i fixed a shelf to my 100 gallon tropical and cut some silver trim for it and i think it looks pretty good up there

so heres some pics




What filtration does the tank have, or circulation, I can't tell from the picture. That is some sweet coralline on the rock though. Sexies are awesome, they'll steal food from corals though. As for fish... maybe a panda goby or a trimma species. Trimmas are easier to keep. Pandas are notoriously hard to get to eat anything. Mine is a very weird one that happens to have a following in another forum...

Teeny tiny fish? I have a neon goby in a 1.5gal on my desk. He comes out whenever I'm at my desk to watch me play games I mean work. They are great little fish, can be found captive-bred, and are usually good eaters I think.

Mine is a very weird one that happens to have a following in another forum...

I read that first as "a very weird one that happens to be following another forum" and I was all "why you lettin' your fish on the Internet!" ....well actually I was just confused, but then I read it right the second time. It's been a long day.
Yeah I've seen a neon goby at my lfs and meant to read up on them as I liked them a lot so may have to get one

And lljdma it's just a stock pump at the minute but I plan to fit another one in the back to get more flow now I've got 3fish to choose from I didn't think I'd have one lol and the coraline seems to grow well in my parents tank and the nano tank I had must be the water I guess

And may have to rethink the sexies then as I want good healthy corals too hmm well see

On another note I ordered a 3w led ,60 degree lense' heat sink' led driver and heat transfer paste
Wich will give me around twice the light I've got now as it seems pretty dull
I'm not sure how to mount it yet but I've got some aluminium plate so I might mill a channel for the led in that and use that I'll have to see when the led gets in from china

that looks cool I like that what corals you going to put in? zoas?
Ime not sure when I get my led Ime gonna read about and see what I can but zoas will definatly be in there maybe a small gorgonian that's light dependant not feed Dependant also. Chears

well after what seemed like a eternity at the mill i ended up with this


its 1cm thick aluminium and has 8mm milled into it so the led will be recessed and the whole things a big heat sink

and the tops polished (need to coat it so it lasts)

no on tank piics as i didnt want to take the old light down to so when i get the led ill put some up

Well it's now on the tank with the old light under it untill my led gets here

And I got the pump out while I was at it and it's 250lph so with displacement it's probably around 7 litres so 35 or something turn over but lower realistically but enough I'd think if not I've got another pump I can add

I'll add some pictures tommorow of it but I think it looks pretty good on the tank

Well I added elite mini with no media in this morning for more flow in the back compartment and put the output to the front and as I moved my rock from one room to the other there was no die off so no cycle as my stats were fine I added today

2 turbo snails
1 good sized piece of short Xenia although I'm not sure if it's not gsp as I didnt get a good look
And a maxi mini anemone ( I know it's small and isn't 6 months old but the rock had no die off and has been in the tank before for 6 months and before that my old tank for a year and I've seen them kept in this exact tank )

So well see I'll get some pics later when they've opened

There a lot of fun but be warned once you keep one your hooked :lol:

If you have a look at some journals there are some amazing ones that look a crap load better than mine :crazy:

I'll probably put pics up tomorrow as the lights just went off so I'll wait

Slippery slope youre on :lol:
Any picture updates on this one? I am getting so tempted for a tiny tank.

Just remembered when I saw your post sorry ill get some pics tommorrow

There a lot of fun but more work too :crazy:


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