Badly mauled Pimelodus pictus


New Member
Jul 1, 2022
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Hi, i searched the threads and couldn't find anything similar so please forgive me if i've missed an existing post. I had 5 Pimelodus pictus in a mostly dwarf gourami aquarium. (Obviously without small fish). Anyway, one died from a Flukes infection i was too slow to discover/correctly diagnose, leaving me with 4, who seemed to get on pretty well in my140-50L planted aquarium with lots of hidey holes, excellent filtration, and a U/V sterilizer.
Recently though, 3 turned on 1, and have literally torn it to shreds. They have torn the skin off both flanks, about 1/2 on one side and 1/3 the other, totally exposing the pink flesh underneath. (Like skinned salmon). They also chewed his tail right down and the filament off his fins (leaving the spikes). So i have moved him into an unlit 12L quarantine tank, (he's about 5" ) with a heater, air stone, a light covering of sand, and some hidey holes. I have added a few ml of myxazin, and half a tea spoon of tonic salts. I had been treating the main aquarium with tetracycline antibiotics, and melafix due to a couple of Rosey barbs getting dropsey. (The U/V has only been in action for a fortnight). Can anyone suggest anything further i can do? Like add some tetracycline?(1 tab treats 20L, so should i attempt to cut one in half?) Should i add a small internal-power filter with poly-filter? Or would that remove the myxazin? Can Melafix be added with Myxazin?(As i know it is essentially just tea-tree oil). I am not adding food, but i know ammonia will still build up, and that a foam filter will take too long to become biologically useful. I do have seachem prime(for water changes on my marine aquarium) which says it binds ammonia and nitrite making them harmless, so would adding that help? The Pictus is swimming around, sometimes hovering near the surface, but is obviously in a quite a lot of distress. I realise re-introducing him into the main aquarium(if he survives) won't really be an option so will either have to set up a slightly larger aquarium for him or see if a local aquatic store will take him (when healthy).
Any help gratefully accepted.
Thanks, Paul.
The Myxazin should prevent secondary infections

Don't add antibiotics unless it gets a bacterial infection. The wounds will go red and look inflamed.

Don't mix medications, just stay with the Myxazin unless it gets infected. Then change the water before using antibiotics.

Things that can help.

You can change most of the water each day and wipe the inside of the container down. that will reduce the amount of fungus and bacteria in the tank.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Have lots of aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise oxygen levels in the water.

If the fish is eating, feed it lots of food so it has nutrients to heal itself.
Make sure no food is left to rot in the water or you can poison the fish with ammonia.
The Myxazin should prevent secondary infections

Don't add antibiotics unless it gets a bacterial infection. The wounds will go red and look inflamed.

Don't mix medications, just stay with the Myxazin unless it gets infected. Then change the water before using antibiotics.

Things that can help.

You can change most of the water each day and wipe the inside of the container down. that will reduce the amount of fungus and bacteria in the tank.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Have lots of aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise oxygen levels in the water.

If the fish is eating, feed it lots of food so it has nutrients to heal itself.
Make sure no food is left to rot in the water or you can poison the fish with ammonia.
Thankyou, i'll add the smallest internal filter i have, which does i think 100lph so a 10x turnover. The next is a 300lph so too strong. I always use aquadip dechlorinator for my freshwater aquarium, but might use Prime because it says it encourages slimecoat production as well as detoxifying chlorine, ammonia and nitrite. I'll hold off on the antibios, and keep on dosing myxazin. Is the salt a good idea? I will try it with some frozen bloodworm, which i thaw with aquadip vitamins and garlic guard, as the Pictus all love bloodworm, and it's easy to remove using a turkey baster. The garlic guard will help with any fungus too as it's a natural fungicide. Thanks for the advice.
Don't bother with salt unless the fish gets fungus, and it shouldn't with Myxazin in the water.

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