never kept keyholes , I think the they are the next size up from laetacara curiceps , think you may be o.k. dwarf_dude . remember many hiding places .dwarf_dude said:i was just about ton ask about these guys
thanx for asking sylvia and thanls for the info lucky
just one Q
i see you have them with an apisto, so i was wondering, do you think they will do well with my dwarf cichlids(keyholes,bolivian rams etc) in jmy 40 us gals?
we've kept them with bolivian rams .
I know keyholes are said to be mellow , my male apisto is a little over 3", he's the King .
how big are your keyholes ? [you don't want them mistaking juvi badis for dinner]
how many of each fish do you already have ?