Fish Crazy
So I've had my Scarlet Badis (Dario Dario) for about a few months now, and overall he seems to be doing okay. The concern I have though is his diet. As I mentioned in the post when I first got him, I tried feeding him flightless fruit flies, but I couldn't tell if he would eat them. He seems to stay low near all the foliage in the plants and hangs around the driftwood. This is where he eats, but not the fruit flies I had mentioned. He seems to pick off little grey micro crustaceans that seemed to have colonized all over the piece of driftwood I have, and hunts down any nematodes swimming freely in the water column. I have witnessed both of these events many, many times. So I know he's eating, but should I really rely on these grey crustaceans and random nematodes as a sustainable diet for my little badis? He's awfully tiny, and usually picking off the driftwood most of the day. He looks good most of the time, but some days he looks just a bit pale or dull. I'm not sure if it's normal for him to be pale or dull like that, he's still very active, his pectoral fins are always fanned out and he seems to be breathing normally. I'm just wondering if I should try to feed him mosquito larvae? Something I can place in the water unlike the fruit flies that'll just float at the top and goes unnoticed by him. The only problem is, it's a pretty large tank for just this little guy, and I'm worried the larvae will just go undetected and get lost in the tank.
Should I try something like the larvae or just let him continue to munch on the little crustaceans and nematodes? As there is an abundance for them in the tank. One thing I've had in mind is collecting any nematodes I see and try making a culture of them to feed him, but I'm not sure how exactly that'll go.
Should I try something like the larvae or just let him continue to munch on the little crustaceans and nematodes? As there is an abundance for them in the tank. One thing I've had in mind is collecting any nematodes I see and try making a culture of them to feed him, but I'm not sure how exactly that'll go.