@LordHappy . The Aquasky does have some nice, customizable settings. I now have a nice, red-purple dawn fading in at 6:30; Blazing tropical sunrise at 7; A daily thunderstorm from around 12 to 1, followed by dark clouds. The sun comes out at 4 and blazes again until sunset at 9. The red fades out around 9:30. I wish the fades were a little more gradual, but still it is a very nice affect. I doubt it will have any effect on the plants. They just want a certain amount of a certain type of light, certain nutrients, and certain microbes that seem to help them out; they have no appreciation for artistic nuances OR marital harmony. Philistines.
Anyway. I got the final plant--paddy herb, Limnophila aromatica--today and got it planted. It's really pretty, and I'm interested in culinary uses for the trimmings. All of my plants seem to have arrived without freezing! In Wyoming. In January! Amazing. I am very impressed with Buceplant.com, folks. The clover herb is a little leggy but in good shape; the mosses and crypts were fantastic, and much bigger portions than I was expecting. Great prices, too!
I'm planning to buy a 5g and stock it with inverts. It will be a source of live food, but also an interesting aquarium in its own right, I hope. I once planted a South American tank, mostly with ebay plants, and let it sit for six weeks before I added fish. The thing was absolutely swarming with seed shrimp, water fleas, assorted worms, and what not. So very cool. It didn't last long once I added the angelfish and lemon tetras, but still. The Badgerling and I have wanted to do something like that again. I think I'm going to start out with daphnia, scuds, seed shrimp, and blackworms, seed it with spirinella and lots of light for green water. Maybe add critters from the local waters once they open up. If I ever get baby bettas, I should be able to just plop them right in there to grow up, fat and happy.