No rice harvest, DD. I am an utter failure at growing rice. I put split bamboo canes in the tank so simulate the look, but I've only been able to grow one rice plant tall enough to grow out of the tank, and it died when I moved the tank. However, I'm trying again--just put some seeds down to germinate. I'm going to actually try growing it right this time instead of just throwing some seed in the tank and seeing what germinates.Anxious to see the endresult WB.
When is Rice harvesting?
PFK had a article about Ricefish some times ago. I'll try to find it and send it to you.
pics?Rice seeds are germinated! Some of them are several inches tall; another batch, planted a week later, are just sprouting. Once they're all at six inches or so, I'll start raising the water levels in the bucket a bit, making sure they're always well clear on top. Once they're over a foot tall, I'll move them into the tank, if they manage to survive to get that big.
Imagine grass seeds sprouting in a bucket. Yeah. Not too exciting.
The males are really, really beautiful. Their color is surprisingly variable; sometimes they almost "flash" like turquoise rainbows when they're upset or trying to impress someone. Other times the males, and always the females, are more subtle, worth studying up close, but no less beautiful.I read up on Imbellis Betta due to your FOTM entry. I hear they are peaceful and can live in a community tank in many cases. And they look very colorful. Too bad most local fish stores only carry Betta Splendens.
Female loaches are normally bigger and fatter than males. They have a matriarchal society with one dominant female ruling the males.My P. cuneovirgata (dwarf kuhlis) are very interesting, and probably my favorite species in this tank. There seem to be two distinct types: One is smaller, more slenderly built, and has different markings than the bigger, stouter ones (though all of them are quite small). Either this species has sexual dimorphism, or I have two different species.
So, kind of like an elementary school?They have a matriarchal society with one dominant female ruling the males.
Time to start an official journal on this project. I'm going to custom-build a tank to fit on the back of the desk in my music studio, and I just ordered the glass. It should be ready to construct in about a week. I've been kicking around this idea for several months and it's exciting to finally commit.
So, here's the plan.
Tank: 36"x10" x10". The water will be about 6" deep, with 2" for substrate and 2" for emergent plants. The lid will have four 2x3" holes for rice plants to grow through. This will be a walstad-style setup, with no filtration except the plants and substrate microbes. A very small powerhead will push the water around. I'm going to put a fluval aquasky light on top with a 5 on, 2 off, 5 on light cycle.
Dwarf rice (Oryza sativa)
Paddy herb (Limnophila aromatica)
Assorted crypts (planning to try balansae, wendtii, and parva and see what does well)
Christmas moss (Vesicularia montagnei) on back wall
Arrowhead (Sagittaria latifolia) or dwarf arum (Zantedeschia aethiopica) to simulate taro, which is commonly grown in Malaysia paddies
2 Betta imbellus
15 or 20 blue rasboras (Sundadanio axelrodi or Sundadanio goblinus, depending on whom you ask)
15 or 20 dwarf rasboras (Boraras maculatus)
6 shadow catfish (Hyalobagrus flavus) or 5 kuhli loaches. Still up in the air which.
Malaysian trumpet snails
Ramshorn snails
Lots of inverts: Scuds, water fleas, assorted worms, seed shrimp. I am going to build an invert refugium for an ongoing supply, but I am hoping to achieve something like a predator/prey balance in this tank.
Early January: Get the tank built.
February: Add substrate, water, plants, silent cycle, build invert community. I am hoping a lot of inverts will come in on the plants. I will intentionally add others.
April or May: Add fish.
Well, that's enough for now. Stay tuned.
Looking forward to photos of this journey
Thanks, I’ll take a look. Did I ever show you my rice paddy tank?@JennySolano Did you see the photos in post #197? It's coming along pretty well.I look forward to finally getting some actual rice in there.