Bad luck stories


New Member
Aug 12, 2003
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NSW, Australia
I think today was the worst day of my fish keeping life.

today i decided to clean up an old 65gallon tank. i had just finshed cleaning out the tank on the lawn and was lowering it on to the grass and the damn thing slipped staright out of my hand and smashed! :( i am so annoyed. damn i'm so annoyed. i had plans for that tank.

Then to make things worse i went to my lfs to pick up an 'O' ring for myt canister filter, which had been which had been leaking. then when i got home the ring didn't fit, the stupid tools at the shop gave me the ring for filter one size up. but before i realised the ring was too big my mum tried to closed the canister and the clip used to close the filter snapped off. totally broken. thats about $360.

i've had a bad day.
Ive been having bad luck too. Yesterday my molly and 28 baby mollies died. Today I wake up a find that my Blue Gourami has also died, they was all acting fine... but...the ones that have died came from Wal-Mart. :/ :-(
wow! that's pretty bad luck mitch! :eek: compared to that, my bad luck is practically good luck!!

its sad about your fish, oosho :sad:
Ok, here's the top two terrible things that has ever happened to me during my fish keeping experience

1~ I was setting up a 42 gallon in my dining room, right next to my desk that sits in the living room (the rooms merge) anyway....I brought the hose in from the backyard since that seemed like it would be easier, got it almost full and went outside to turn it off (see where I'm going with this?) it popped out and sprayed all over my desk, my printer began bleeding ink out all over my carpet and was a helluva mess, what seemed like the easy route turned out to be an ordeal :rolleyes:

2nd...(and imo the worst) I had a one eyed dwarf a.compressiceps who was and always will be my favorite fish. She was wicked awesome but I noticed her having trouble breathing after every water change, I couldn't figure out why. Upon the advice of my lfs I did a large water change (for ph reasons) as I dumped in the clean dechlorinated water she began breathing frantically and died within minutes. It was horrible and I was horrified. I usually use a large bowl to fill my tanks but that time I used a bucket to make it easier. At first I thought the bucket was dirty, but it couldn't be,it was my fish bucket. Turns out (after my brilliant lfs figured it out for me when I went in there crying :wub: ) I was using NovaQua to dechlorinate :X it doesn't remove chloramines and I never noticed. I killed her with chloramines, none of my other fish ever seemed to be bothered by it but compressiceps are really sensitive to them. When I was doing smaller water changes it only affected her a little bit, the large change was too much *sigh* That sucked :/

My lesson learned from my "bad luck" or just plain more short cuts for me!!!
my bad story was when my neon tetra, my cardnail neon and my pink tetra died at the same time :-( :-( :/ AND at that exact moment we had that giant blackout so the rest of my fish died :eek: :eek: :eek: and i had to start a new batch! :-( :byebye: :-( :byebye: :-( :byebye:

ps.mitch ................. don't say d a m n so much! :no: :(
I'm so sorry for everyones mishaps and good luck in the future. My bad luck would sound pityfull compared to yours. Ofcourse i've had fish die on me, but nothing gruesome. But i do have some good stories(saved my fishes life 2x) but maybe that should be saved for a different topic :/
Ok, here's a bad day.....I have a bunch of Platy and Swordtail fry that are slowly being moved into the tank with the parents. This tank also contains 7 Kribs (1m/6f) that I have been growing out and plan on selling the females.

So, I first moved a 1/2" Platy fry that I was not too jazzed about the color. Figured if it was too small, that was ok, he was expendable....I know that's not nice, but I'm realistic. That went fine, so I moved one of my Great Grandbaby fry in (a pretty Red Wag male). He is fine, too. So, two babes in, no problem.

A couple weeks later, I decided, ok, these 4 are big enough now. Put all 4 in, and watched the female Kribs literally tear apart 3 of the 4. :hyper: :crazy: :/ :sick: The worst part is the 3 they killed were the last of my Great Grandbabies, one of which was covered in black spots and was just really striking. I about cried.....but the Kribs attacked so fast, all I could do was scoop out the bodies. They left the 4th one alone for some reason, could have been because of color. It was a Green Swordtail, so didn't stand out like the others.

I just HATE when stuff like that happens. My Poor Great Grandbabies!!! :byebye:
Iv'e never had bad luck with fish -_-

Oh yes, other then not knowing the entire cycling process and killing god knows how many fish.
the worst one i can think of is when my first arrowana died. i took the siphon tube off my aquaclear filter to clean. didn't realize it wasn't a good idea to leave an active filter going with bottom half of the tube missing with a top dwelling fish. the damn thing took a head first trip to the propellor. what a mess not mention $40 down the tube or should i say up it. :(
Ok i remember a time when i had a 2 gallon bowl with two white skirt tetras in it. One day I was using my medium sized syphon and was cleaning the bowl as regular. I looked away for a second to make sure the water was going in the bucket and not on the floor when i noticed i only had one fish in the tank! I began searching for it and found the fish up in the syphon! I quickly pulled the syphon out of the bowl and the fish was released with the water back into the bowl. Luckily he was ok after that...poor thing :(
:( Here's one of the worst moments in the life of my fish. I loved my little black balloon molly that I had in my 29 gallon tank. She was so cute! I named her Luna after her deep black color. Luna would always give my hand fish kisses and I could even feed her bloodworms from my fingers. Things sounded perfect with Luna and I adored her. She had this strange way of swimming that I loved. Luna swam like a little Marilyn Monroe. One morning when I woke up, I turned on the tank light and gasped! Luna was stuck to the filter pipe and at that sight, I cried. How could a large balloon molly have gotton caught in the filter suction? I miss her alot even today.

Another story. I just bought a large male swordtail with outstanding colors. He was about three inches long, including his beautiful sword. The day after I put him into the tank, I couldn't find him. I looked everywhere, but that large fish was not in the aquarium. A few moments later, I discovered him on the carpet! Sadly, he was dead but even more amazing out how he jumped out of the tank. There is a cover that seals the aquarium, but the only open space is where the filter is located which is 2 inches wide. From that point on, Inever buy large male swordtails.
The first really bad fish experience I've had was today (on Christmas eve nonetheless). I woke up this mourning and turned on my ten gallon lamp, and I noticed one of my Kuhlis wasn't moving, so I figured it was just the sock of the lights, then one of my platys came over and bumped his, he flipped over into the aerator blubbles and floated to the top. I was devastated because I had no idea what caused this.
later that day I went out to do a little last minuet Christmas shopping and when I cam home, the second of the three was dead, I went over to my LFS to buy more to replace the others that mysteriously died, when at that moment when I'm looking through the remaining kuhlies that they had there (all of which looked dead ) they tell me that the shipment my kuhlies were in had a lot of sicknesses among all of the fish. none of the fish in that tank were supposed to be sold.
I can only hope the last one lives and it doesn't infect any of my other fish. :-(
I had bad luck about 2 weeks ago. My guppy had fry so i put all the fry in a cup and put it on the top of the tank. My mom was cooking and called me so i went. When I came back there was more fry so I used a bigger net so with the stick.BOOM. the cup fell I was riushing to save the fry but they were dead. Also that day I went to my friends house so my dad was cleaning my betta bowl so he put my betta in hot water not that hot butit was steaming. Also that smae day my female betta decided to jump. So that was the worst day of my life.

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