"bad eggs"

So really all I have to do is a good gravel clean and fix a power head opposite the filter column :look: Do I submerge the power head or use it as an extra oxygenator ? :what: I have one that you can attach an air pipe and it adds air to the water. I got it to go with the UGF that I don't need anymore :D
Place it just under the surface. This will give best surface movement. If you want add the inlet pipe. I find it looks good ;)
A good clean and not that I'm being uppity or anything but good husbandary is a great help afterwards :)
If you have lve plants too much surface disterbance can be detrimental to them. The plants need the CO2 that's in the water and the more surface movement there is the less CO2 is available for the plants. Just something to think about if you have them. R-
good husbandary - do I need a good husband for that? :D I got a husband, wether he's good or not is a matter of opinion :laugh: BTW, why's it called husbandary when it's the women that mostly do it?

Right, from all this info I've been given I understand that I have to clean properly, add the power head but not make a lot of surface aggitation :look: Is that right?
Hi Gad. Sorry I spelt your name wrong in the previous forum.re snails. To answer your last two questions.
1. Yes Davy is correct in his statement about good husbandry, and if you can control the powerfilter/powerhead,you only need it turned on low. Just enough to cause a water movement. You don't need to create a vortex!!!.lol. (no need to disturb the plants) 2. The word husbandary comes from "middle" english. It is a corrupted word over the period of time. The term came from the days when women were still mens' chattels. So it was the man who tended to his cattle and looked after his chattels.So he became a husbandman - person who cared for his livestock. Then the word was extended to form husbandry. A man,generally a farmer who tended to animal breeding. As time went by the term husbandry came to be diluted to include management of resources and tending conservational needs. The oldest known word for husband is from the Norse-husbondi-meaning master of the house) So just a bit of useless info. :thumbs:
Gad go get the bucks back for your ugf filter, and take the advice of the extra powerhead. Fish love to swim in it too. :thumbs:
Will do, thanks for all the info - I'm sure it'll work and "dead" spots will be a thing of the past. :D

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