Bacterial Bloom


Mostly New Member
Oct 18, 2013
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I did a water changed in my 30 gallon today, conditioning my water with the recommended dose of water conditional and cleaned the gravel. Now, you can visibly see a white cloudy-like haze in the water. I suspect it's bacterial bloom - but the main question is - could it be from adding a bacterial supplement to my water changes?
My 10 gal was never cloudy, always crystal clear even though it was overstocked. Now I've got a 30 gal and it's always been cloudy. Should I stop adding the bacteria supplement? Any suggestions on how to clear it up?
Not sure about bacterial supplements, have no idea what they could contribute, so stop using them and see what happens.
Regular water changes will dissipate bacterial blooms given time, less food and patience. Make a special effort to clean out your filter material (in tank water, even though it is blooming).
Basically, be kind to your bacteria, they are just as valuable as your fish, but just as you don't want your fish breeding prolifically neitherd you want your micro-beasties to get out of control.
Did you rinse the substrate well before adding it? How long has the tank been set up?
Ninjouzata said:
Did you rinse the substrate well before adding it? How long has the tank been set up?
I did make the mistake of not rinsing my gravel before adding it, but it's  been set up now for 3 months.

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