Bacterial Bloom With Maracyn?

Don Trinko

Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2006
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I have several new Severum that apear to have a bacterial infection. I tested the water: ph=7.5, nitite=0, nitrate=20, dh=7. After 1 day of treating with Maracyn the water got very cloudy. It tested the same as before except the nitrite is now .5. I did put the Marycyn in the filter exactly like they tell you not to in the fine print.
The fish don't seem to care, they are eating, swimming as ussusal. Don T.
Why did you put the med in the filter, never heard of that before.
Have you increased aeration.
I put the med in the filter so it would dispence quickly and not come down on a fish and damage the fish. I added a second filter, both without carbon. Thanks; Don T.
I noticed that, too. I put the first dose of Maracyn and Maracyn 2 in last night, and today it's cloudy too. I didn't put mine in the filter though. I think it said it gets absorbed through the fish somehow.
We have a KH of 17 and DH of 7. In the past I have tried to lower the PH. (ph=7.5) The chemicals pricipitate calcium out of the water and the ph only changes for 1 or 2 days. Maybe thats what is happening now. Don T.
If there not enough aeration in the tank with the med the tank will go cloudy.
According to the Maracyn 2 insert, it said it will cause cloudiness. After treatment is over perform a 25% water change and add the carbon back in and it said it will go away then.

P.S. I have an airstone in mine and it still got cloudy, so I don't think it's caused by lack of oxygen. The pamphlet says it will turn it cloudy. I also checked my water perimeters and now I have 0 Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate........dang it!!! It was finally starting to cycle! Grrrrrrr :angry:
I have 2 more days of treatment. I hope it works! If not I will try again. Thanks; Don T.
I have 2 more days left, too, and I can barely even see my Betta!

Near his gills, there's a vertical red streak running down the side. I'm beside myself. I'm on 3 different fish forums and no one has offered, or been able to offer, help as to why it's like that and why his eyes were filled with blood. I'm finding these fish forums useless and will probably be unsubscribing soon.
Dealing with septicemia.
Red streaking and internal bleeding in the eyes are filled with blood.
I would issolate the fish and get going with tetracycline, the fish sounds in a bad way and it sounds like the septicemia to far advanced.
Tomorow is day 5, the last day for Maracyn. I think it's working but with the cloudy water it's hard to tell. You can see the particles in a cloud like formation. I have my HOT filter with the 8 micron cartridge running. It may be taking it out but none too fast! Don T.
day 6 ,went to bed water was very cloudy. Day 7, watyer crytal clear. There must be something abought maracyn . whatever "cloud" it caused my HOT 8 micron filter would not take it out. It dissapeared by itself!
Don T.

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