

New Member
Apr 12, 2004
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OK so I hear all this talk about Beneficial bacteria....then i hear you can invite disease if your tank isnt what makes clean clean? If i syphon the gravel do I remove the bacteria? If i dont will my fish get sick?
To keep your tank "clean" you have to change 15 - 20% of the water weekly, vacuum the gravel and change the filter media monthly. It is possible to over clean you gravel and upset the beneficial bacteria. You should section off your gravel into 4 quarters. Only vacuum one section per week. That way each section of gravel gets a good cleaning once a month and you don't disturb you bacteria too much upsetting the balance in the tank. If you overclean the gravel each week you may cause a bacteria boom. The water turns white and cloudy then you know you've been over cleaning your gravel.
OK so very lite water changes weekly, and skim a portion of the gravel monthly?

If I add plants could this damage my tank?
Levine said:
OK so very lite water changes weekly, and skim a portion of the gravel monthly?

If I add plants could this damage my tank?

If by "skim" you mean "vacuum", then yes. You should use a gravel vac to remove the waste and uneatened food, and leave the gravel in the tank.

Yes, plants can contain harmful bacteria and introduce disease. Some people quantine their plants just like they do new fish before introducing them into the main tank. I've heard that you can wash the plants in a 5% bleach solution for a couple minutes, then rinse well. There's another solution you can use to wash them also, but it escapes me right now!
I'd would add that aside from freshmike's valid warning and advice, plants can be quite good for a tank. They provide oxygen and more importantly, they absorb that same chemicals as nutrients that are toxic to fish, thus adding stability to your parameters. That's only for healthy plants though, so plant appropriate for the tank (lighting, fish, substrate, etc.) otherwise you'll just have dead plants which just adds to the problem.

Hope that makes sense...
Mostly thinking of java fern and java moss. Want the moss to cover my gravel and the fern to go on my bogwood.

I asked this on the plant forum but what the heck. Will i need to remove my bubble wall is i put in plants?
I don't think it will be a problem if all you're planning to add is java fern. It's really hearty and will live in almost all conditions.
There's another solution you can use to wash them also, but it escapes me right now!
I think you may be thinking of potassium permanganate.

And Levine, if all you're putting in are java moss and java fern (and I assume you have 'standard' lighting), then no, you probably don't have to remove your bubble wall if you don't want to.
Thanks for all the help!! Very quick replies...some forums it takes weeks :angry: :sad:

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