Bacteria Bloom


New Member
Jun 13, 2012
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Hi Guys,

My tank has been severe cloudy for about 4/5 days now and all the fish are constantly swimming at the top of the water. I am assuming it is a bacteria bloom, and was wondering how to/if I can clear it???
Big water change to start off with; 80 or 90%.
Would a big water change be the cause of a bacteria bloom by any chance?
I bought a gravel vacuum on Sunday and used it but my tank looked horrendous afterwards (I probably didnt use it correctly :/) The water was full of waste & pure black. So then I decided to clean the whole tank, and since the day after its been severe cloudy & fish are staying around top of water (deprived of oxygen I take it?)

I checked all my water stats last night and the are all perfect. I also bought a new air pump today & put it in the tank about an hour ago as I'd read this might help.
When you say you 'cleaned the whole tank', what exactly did you do?

Have you tested the water at all?
Yes, I wrote above that I had tested the water last night and all my stats are perfect.

I removed everything from the tank and clean it all and put fresh water in, along with a few litres from the tank that I had the fish in.
Did you disturb the filter at all? Change anything in it?

It sounds like the bacterial bloom you get in new tanks, so a few big water changes should clear it up :good:
I removed the filter last night and cleaned the sponge inside of it, but I cleaned it in the tank water and not clean water.
I didnt really want to do a massive water change just yet as I am currently treating my male guppy for fin rot :(

Thanks for your help :)
Ok, just checking!

There isn't really anything you can do, apart from water changes, I'm afraid.
Ok thanks, will get cracking tomorrow morning. Cant wait to see in my tank again, cant even see my plants & ornaments its so so bad :/
Sure you can't manage to fit one in this evening?
What colour is your "cloudy" water. This is important.

White or milky = Bacterial Bloom.

Green = Algal Bloom.

Bacterial will clear up by itself, Algal needs some further investigating.

Fluttermouth - just seeing your msg now, I done an 90% water change last night and just done another there now and the water is much much better looking thankfully.

Tom - The water was white/milky colour.

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