Bacteria addivtive


Apr 10, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
Just thought I'd post this for those who havent heard of it.

Quote from

"Stability will rapidly and safely establish the aquarium biofilter in freshwater and marine systems, thereby preventing the #1 cause of fish death: "new tank syndrome". Stability™ is formulated specifically for the aquarium and contains a synergistic blend of aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria which facilitate the breakdown of waste organics, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Unlike competing products, the bacteria employed by Stability™ are non-sulfur fixing and will not produce toxic hydrogen sulfide. Stability™ is completely harmless to all aquatic organisms as well as aquatic plants, thus there is no danger of over use. Stability™ is the culmination of nearly a decade of research and development and represents the current state of the art in natural biological management."

I've been using it as a "supplement" to cycle in my tanks when needed.
when adding new new fish
once a month preventative reasons
ammonia spikes
new tank syndrome
etc etc

I've set up several new tanks using this product and havent lost a fish yet.
I know some like the no fish means of cycling, but for those who want to use fish I highly recommend this product!
As a test I tried setting up a new 10 gallon stocked with several fish, using this product and keeping a close eye on things i was able to cycle the tank in 7 days with no adverse effects on the fish.
I'm no professonial, and some may disagree with my "experiment", but If they say it will do a job, I want to know it will do what they say.

and it does.
Thank you for sharing your experiences with this product. Its always good to read this sort of thing. I've always been a little leary of those "instant cycle" type products myself. I'm curious how well it works on larger tank setups.
I used it on a 40 gallon tank last Xmas and had positive results.
I Lightly stocked it with 10 small tetras, used some established water and media and didnt lose a fish and kept levels in check.

I wouldnt recommend anyone should use this as an "instant cycling" remedy, but by being a little extra careful and observant one could certainly use it to help speed up the process of cycling their tank.

I have yet to do a fishless cycle, as a matter of fact I've never heard of it until I got my internet back a few months ago and read about it somewhere.
Maybe the next project will have to be a fishless one!!


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