

Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
southampton uk
have heard lots of ideas and have come to the conclusion i would like to paint the back of my tank black. any ideas what paint to use and is this safe to do whilst the tank is stocked? i cant really empty fish.
i can never seem to get anything to stick well. it either gets wet or ends up ruffled and looking awful. i am open to suggestions though
I read on here a couple of weeks ago about someone using petroleum jelly between the glass and the background to help it fix tightly to the back of the tank, if you want black maybe a bin bag or some other black plastic would do the job.
If you paint the outside of tha tank you won't have to remove the fish at all, just cover it well so no drips or splatters get in the water.. Just use exterior it will stand up to getting wet a little better.

I suggest using semi-gloss, instead of gloss or flat. Gloss will not adhear to the glass easily and flat will look too dull.

When you get ready to remove it from the glass it shoudln't be hard to remove with liquid paint remover...just be sure to not let any get inside the tank.
I got one of those plastic (lexan) light covers that are used for commercial drop-ceiling light fixtures. You can get them at hardware stores like Lowes or Homedepot. Cut it to fit, and painted it black. These are thick plastic, so it stays in place, and if I ever change my mind about the color, I get a do-over without having to scrape the paint off the tank.
Add a big bag to the back of your tank ;) I know, it sounds horrible ... but many people do it, and honestly, it looks quite nice! It's a very cheap alternative, it's worth at least checking out, ... it shouldn't take up much money or time, and is easy to remove if you don't like it :)
I use a piece of 1/8" black acrylic sheet behind my tank and it looks great and is easy to clean. Also you can change it out to clean it or put a different color up.
I use a piece of 1/8" black acrylic sheet behind my tank and it looks great and is easy to clean. Also you can change it out to clean it or put a different color up.

I was about to suggest the same thing until i read the previous post! This is deffiantely a good idea and usually looks great.

have heard lots of ideas and have come to the conclusion i would like to paint the back of my tank black. any ideas what paint to use and is this safe to do whilst the tank is stocked? i cant really empty fish.
If you are going to paint the back I would go to your hobby shop and use air brush paint.This is vary safe!

I would cover and clean tank well and spray it with air brush paint this is vary safe.
WHen I painted the back of both my tanks balck, I just went to B&Q and bought a tin of Black Exterior Gloss ;)

Use plenty of masking tape and newspaper and mask off the areas you don't want to paint, and off you go ;)

I had to give mine 3 coats (over a 48 hour period, to allow each coat to 'go off') to make it a solid colour.

Make sure you also allow plenty of ventilation in the room, as it can pong a little !!! ;)

Hope that helps!


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