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Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2003
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Alright, I have been out of fish keeping for a while now, and I have decided to get a new tank (I gave away my last one when I moved). The catch is that I dont have a clue what to house in it. I want to keep it FW, and fairly easy to maintain (not realistic, but hey, its a dream). I also want to make it 'visually appealing'. My current thought is to get a 29 or 55 gallon and use light colored sand as my base. Aside from that, I am looking for suggestions. I posted this in oddball because I really like 'different' things, especially unique looking things (in this case, fish or other aquatic creatures)
I've heard that angelfish are 'delicate'. is that true?

btw, thanks for the red bellied idea, but my wife said that I could not get pirahnas... I wanted to get a couple, but she doesnt lke the idea of them... just like she wont let me get a pitbull becuase of the 'stereotype'. :*)
If you're looking for interesting, unique aquatic creatures, then pick up some freshwater shrimp. They're hilarious to watch, they clean up the tank, and they're not really the first thing people would expect to see in a freshwater aquarium.

Are you interested in puffers at all? While they're not at all community fish, they can be a lot of fun. They're a lot of work, though, and they can be a handful.

If you're looking for a serene community tank, then I'd say your best bet would be discus. They're absolutely beautiful, and you could get a few in a 55 gallon. You could add other south american fish in with them, such as neon or cardinal tetras and corydoras.

In the end, it's up to you. Browse through your LFS to find out what's available, and then find out whatever you can about anything you're interested in.

Have fun!
I thought about puffers, yes. I need to do more research in them though. A while back I had a small tank at work with 3 dwarfs in it, and they seemed to do well until I went out of town and my co-worker decided to put a ton of worms in for the weekend. the bacteria (i think) surge did them in. :-(

I have thought about discus as well... I am going to take your advice and check out my LFS first to see whats available and go from there. Thank you!
I've heard (from many places) that Discus are very delicate. My angels aren't that delicate, but I think I like that one suggestion of freshwater shrimp... that is a great idea!
Phreaxer said:
I've heard that angelfish are 'delicate'. is that true?

btw, thanks for the red bellied idea, but my wife said that I could not get pirahnas... I wanted to get a couple, but she doesnt lke the idea of them... just like she wont let me get a pitbull becuase of the 'stereotype'. :*)
Pitbulls are good dogs if they have good owners...bad dogs if they have rotten owners. Any dog can be made mean.

Pirahnas on the other hand i would have to agree with her.
Go to and watch the feeding wont wanna get one after you watch then demolish poor fish and mice..its nasty...they are messy and ugly too

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