Back To Crabs


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
Southern Hampshire
Hi All

We've gained a new crab in the nano tank and want to know if it's safe to leave it alone. It is very secretive so the description may not be the best, It's either black or very dark with stripey legs in a sort of off white with the black and the actual pincers are white. I would guess it's about 1cm across the body but as he hides in the rocks it's difficult to tell. It's hard to imagine how it managed to stay hidden in live rock.

Any ideas where to go to look for it or maybe you know what it is?


I had a few of these come in with my live rock and from what ive seen of mine they are a small pincer variety and are reef safe. They will scavange of bits they can find in the tank and wil rarely venture from beyond thier own bit of rock. I would just let him be, he wont bother anything in your tank :)
Cheers for that. It's certainly not a bother at present and it's ok to look at from what we've seen so will leave it alone for now. Hopefully we'll get a chance for a better look and then maybe we can work out what it is. Maybe we can swap pics if you get any, you seem to have more than us, well we've only seen one.
Let's hope they're friendly eh?!


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