Starting up a nano reef is one of the most rewarding hobbies you can do. Keeping a small slice of open reef in your house is challenging as well as a treat to the eye. The most difficult part of establishing your reef is it's inception. A marine tank under 30 gallons is inherently unstable. There is not enough water volume to give you a cushion for error.
In the beginning, your tank will be going thru a lot of changes. The live rock will be developing your biological filter. Nitrates will be given off. Corals, of which many are photosynthetic, will be giving off oxygen during the day and returning CO2 in the evening. Knowing that our tanks are special subset of marine aquarism, we try to do the right thing. We test. We stay regular with our water changes. We don't overstock. We become experts on water chemistry.....or do we?
In the field of medicine, we say don't order a test that you are not going to act on. We also say 'don't treat numbers'. In the beginning of startup, here are some of the things you might see:
- wide pH swings
- low calcium
- high phosphorus
- low kH
- among others
What are some basic thoughts here without going into heavy duty discussion?
- In general, step back, look at your tank. Is it doing well? Then leave it alone.
- All tanks in the beginning will have pH swings until it matures. Avoid dosing your tank with bicarb, etc in the beginning. Fish and invertebrates, in the short term, are really tougher than you think.
- Basics to measure include pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, phosphorus, kH.
- Calcium is worth maintaining at 350-400ppm: it helps with buffering, corallite growth and invertebrate shell growth
- Phosphorus should be zero, if possible. Phosphate binders and an RO unit do the job.
- Aragonite substrate helps with buffering
- Water changes done regularly help with buffering
- A refugium with a macroalgae run opposite the lighting schedule will assist as well
For the most part:
-avoid supplements such as iodine, strontium, molybdenum. Water changes..water changes, water changes.
-DON'T SUPPLEMENT WHAT YOU DON'T TEST FOR. Know your chemistry. If you supplement with Purple Up, Purple Down or Purple sideways, know that iodine has three components, iodate, free iodine and iodide eg. I keep NO additives except calcium
-stability is more important than perfect parameters for the most part
Just some thoughts.
Have fun.