Back in the ring to take another swing

This is the Dragon rock i was talking about - lovely stuff
dragon stone.jpg
Ive got to get that nasty,obtrusive heater out of there too. Bloody visual eye sore
Ive been looking at one of those Aquael Ultra heaters.
They look quite the bit of kit and they're black too so they'll blend in with my background.
☝️gonna give the ultra heater a miss.
After researching reviews in Europe and the UK, it looks like people are starting to report that the set/operation button or LED dial/display are failing within a fairly short period of time so i'll give it a miss for now.
The heater doesn't bother me particularly but I suppose it's distracting from the look you're going solution is always plants, hide it behind a plant!
The heater doesn't bother me particularly but I suppose it's distracting from the look you're going solution is always plants, hide it behind a plant!
Im the same CB,Im not normally bothered by the heater but having a black background and black substrate makes your everyday heater stands out like a sore thumb and my eye keeps getting drawn to it which is annoying the crap outta me.
The heater is sitting in the strongest flow in the tank (deliberately) so any plants placed in front of it would end up getting pushed everywhere and wouldnt hide the heater very well.
Im sure i can find a dark or black coloured heater out there somewhere...there's so many on the market now.
Thank you for your suggestion 👍

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